The Smiling demon(2)

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Rou Hua Heng looked at the hologram and saw row of blue green armoured soldiers being surrounded by two armies. Her shining obsadian eyes twinkled and her red lips lift a bit.

"Hehehe finally I can it started or else I'll be bored to death" she muttered

Inside the battle arena

Army along their General was surrounded by two generals with their own army. The soldiers formed a four circular formation where the shield and vanguards are positioned on the outer circle while the others who held spears are in the inner circle as the general and his two commanders were in the innermost of the circle.

The  Enemy General #1,Dum ase ( pronounced as a "dumb ass"😂) looked at their target with a haughty and arrogant appearance plastered on his beardy face as if his opponent was easy and weak that he can crush them with his fingers.

"Aiya, I didn't knew that I encountered the Honorable general here How lucky I am" Dum ase said in a mocking tone

" We are honoured that we can have a nice play with the Honorable General today, this general was happy " the second general, Fai Bald, said in proactive tone as his eyes was looking evilly

"Pui! What honour?! Pei! Are there so called "honourable" sincere?! These two generals are so arrogant,did they think us Lü army weak?! " a handsome guy beside Shu wei sneered,his cold and haughty  green eyes glared at the two generals who is looking at them like chickens waiting to be captured and slaughtered

(A/N: ~history time^^~)

The handsome green eyed man was none other one of General Shu Wei's commanders, Eigu Lan. 20 years old.He had a mascular yet lean body (A/N: and Sexy too, a perfect Gong body😂) , his hair dark green .Back then, Iroha is an orphan child who isn't really a citizen of Quo, he was adopted by one of the well knowned noble family when he was five years old , he was seen by Patriarch Lan while he beats two tall men who wants to abducted him to sell in slavery house.

Patriarch Lan and his wife don't have  a child due to his wife's bad health and weak body, he didn't have a concubine because he was truly devoted on having one wife on his life whether she can bear his child or not. He didn't give a comment when his elders pushed him to get a concubine to bore is child yet his wife was very guilty, she was happy that her husband is so loyal but she didn't want him to be criticized due to lack of children thus she insisted on having a concubine.

Patriarch Lan was troubled and helpless on his wife's suggestion so he went out from his household to wind his mind but he didn't expect that on his way back home, a five year old child was beating two tall men on a dark alley , Patriarch Lan was shocked and curious on how a child so small can beat two men that is larger and taller than him. When the child stopped beating  the two men who are already unconscious, Patriarch Lan showed his self, the child was surprised and its green dull eyes looked at him with fear, and exhaustion; his face were slightly bruised but his thin body was filled with blue and black bruises, Patriarch Lan pitied and admire the child , he didn't know that when the child's  dull green eyes looked at him his heart was poked by needles. The child's body swayed and realized that the child fainted, he quickly catches the child's thin body and  rushed into his house hold, Patriarch Lan called their personal physician to look and give medication to the unconscious child. The physician was shocked to see Patriarch Lan holding an unconcious boy on his arms. The physician snaps when the patriarch glared at him and treated the young boy's bruises .

Patriarch Lan's wife heard the news and went to his husband chamber, her eyes were wide when she's so a young boy wrapped in white bandage like a mummy. Patriarch Lan explained what happened with an admiration thus, the wife is also influenced and angry towards the people who beaten the young boy. Patriach Lan and his wife decided to adopt the boy . When they conducted an investigation, they found out that the boy is orphan and his birth place is not Quo, the couple  suddenly struck on an idea on making the child their own.Even thought the couple's faces many critism from everyone still, they've adopted the child and registered him legally and etc...

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