Return Of Glory---Returning Home

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Without caring his appearance, more likely forgot what is his appearance Chen Diyu went to his mistress with a perplexed look.

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Diyu'S sweating body was very clear to see on Hua Heng's clear bright eyes.

Hua Heng's hot men alarm was up again as she mischievously looked at her commander from head to toe until her lewdy eyes stop at Chen Diyu's bare chest. She can't help to whistle in appreciation.

"Not only I can see them from afar but  can also see them up close fufufufu his body is sexy ah"

Chen Diyu furrowed his brows as he wait his miss' reply but suddenly he felt chills. He looked around but he didn't see someone looking at his way but when he turns again his gaze locked to his miss' obsadian eyes. Her eyes were clear but something was mix then the familiar chills comes again and Chen Diyu finally shivered.

Even he wanted to deny, the chills was coming from his mistress' stare. He didn't knew why his master was looking to him shamelessly and giving strange chills but still Chen Diyu didn't dare to ask afraid that he will only get a shameless answer. 


Hua Heng was now satisfied upon looking a beautiful body specimen and looked at the confused man.

"Well I came here to ask what happened yesterday" she directly ask

Chen Diyu frozed instant and begins to sweat again.


She raised her eyebrow

"Yes, what happened yesterday's night in which resulting me a great horror this morning"

"That... Miss do you really want to know?" Chen Diyu looked at her with difficult and hesitant look, as if he really didn't want to tell the answer to her

"I really want to know ah! That is why I came here in the first place and also to scold all of you in leaving me with unsightly appearance. I even scare a poor maid because of my looks" she angrily huffed

Chen Diyu scratch his head before he looked again at his mistress.

"Miss, I will tell you but be sure not to be angry and be calm."

"Eh?.... Okay? Why would I be angry? Of course, I'm going to be angry for leaving me messy but fine I'll will not eat you*ahem*I will not beat you"

"Then, please follow me miss" Chen Diyu led Hua Heng into the back of the barracks

The other four, Yu Heng, the Mo Twins and Du Fang saw Chen Diyu with their mistress. Their faces become unpredictable.

"Uwahh! Why is miss here? Don't tell me she knows what happened last night?" - - Du Fang

"Uh oh.... This is bad" - - - Yu Heng

"Very very bad" - - - Mo Twins

"Should we escape?"

"Are you stupid? Even you want to2 you can't, Diyu and mistress are looking at our way" Yu Heng said as he sweats when he saw Chen Diyu signalling them to follow while the other three can't help to gulp their salivas

"Erhm.... L-lets go"

Hua Heng along with the five topless men were now sitting on a circular symtone table. She raised an eyebrow as her eyes looked up and down again on her victims' bare naked chest shamelessly .

Just like what Chen Diyu felt a while ago, each of them felt the creepy chills coming from their mistress. Sweating, Yu Heng bravely ask the shameless peeping Tom

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