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After dinner the generals settled down to start their official meeting. Everybody reported their findings including what kind of people they interrogated.

"Well, we encountered a band of thieves" Mu Qing was the first one to talked

"Heh?! You call get your information from thieves? Useless! '' Wen Ping sneered and sips on his tea

" Shitty brat! Are you looking for a fight again? Those thieves we beated to death are not normal thieves but they are a part of something big group okay?!" - Mu

"Hmph!" - Wen

"Heh what about you? I doubt yours is the worst" - Mu

"My source is more reliable than yours those bunch of pathetic extras" - Wen

" Come on let's be serious here, gentlemen whether those sources are thieves, thugs or whatever they are atleast all of you can give the important information all of you gained from them. Let's hear them here on these table and probably get the idea we needed to start solving the province's problem, are we clear? "Hua Heng said to all of them with a serious face the artificial scar under her eye added some scary vibes to her making her look a little bit scarier as well eye catching considering she has a good face and skin

Hua Heng now looks more like the leader of the group than the relax tea addict leader, Shu Wei who is nodding in agreement with Hua Heng's words.

Everyone is quiet for a while as they didn't expect their new member is more serious in taking the emperor's mission than them. Wen Ping was the first one to speak his side.

"According to the man I interrogated with is that he is a small member of a dark business group. But before that man can continue to talk he died on the spot" Wen Ping elaborate


"You mean the man killed himself? '' - Hua

" No that man is too weak to claimed his own life but there's someone who is monitoring him"-Wen

"Then if you know there's someone monitoring him why didn't you chase?" - Mu

"I'm too lazy to chase a man who blends in the large crowd of people" - Wen Ping yawns

"Tsk! That excuse is not acceptable"- Mu

"I don't give a damn of your opinion" - Wen

"You-" - Mu

"General Mu don't start again let's hear the information you and General Shu gathered" - Hua

Calming down Mu Qing starts to speak

"Those thugs were also part of a shady organization. One of the thugs admitted that they are just responsible for seeking for persons who appear new or naïve and then kidnapping them to be sold as slaves on that business. Before he passed out, that gentleman also stated that business is powerful." -Mu

" You didn't interrogate them more? I believe those people have many mouths but you only interrogate one mouth?" - Wen

"Mind your own business, brat!" Mu Qing glared

"I'm just pointing it out but I guess you beat them to death until all of them are in coma ah" Wen Ping


Hua Heng looked at Mu before shifting her attention to their leader which is also with Mu.

".... '' - Shu

" (-_-) "- Hua

" Well it's our-''

"It's our turn! Rou Rou it's our turn! Should I speak or you speak?!" The loud mouthed Tao looked at her with big puppy eyes telling her he wants to speak


"Yes it's our turn but I will be the one to speak" Hua Heng smiled as Tao Tong pouts

"As what all of you gathered, there is really a big black business running here inside this province. The people we interviewed are some of the victims of slavery they told me that these people are kidnapping lower rank people to higher rank people who they think not important. They told us too they abuses many people and business here but the officials patrolling tolerated all the crimes being committed and some of them even take a part of abusing the civilians to get benifits" Hua Heng recited all her infos and opinions she and her partner collected

" For me these case of black business has a connection to a high rank noble residing here or more likely a high official." - Hua

Placing his empty cup, Shu Wei finally opened his eyes and spoke.

"General Rou's point have the greatest possibility that a noble or a politician is involved however we still lack of solid information and evidence to prove our theories." - Shu

" We still have ample of time so let's continue to gather more tomorrow"- Hua

"The highest probability that an influencial politician is involved. From what I know the governor who governs these province has a big name due to the fact that he had connections to the medium clans and nobles" Wen Ping said and pulled out a scroll from his storage ring


The scroll fell down on the table and rolled revealing a picture of a man.

"Pfft! What kind of artist have a hobby of drawing a pig looking like a human? Hahahaha" Tao Tong laugh as he points the scroll

"Wen Ping are you trying to make us laugh because it's effective! Where did you bought this scroll I want to get one or the best make the artist draw me a picture of my Oldman looking like my ass hahaha" Mu Qing added smirking

"It really looks like a pig dressed in human clothing pfft-" Hua Heng also joins to add to the amusement even though she knew that the picture is the figure Wen Ping is talking about

"Do I look like a person who jokes around, idiots. Hmph! This pig man in the picture is the governor of Darya, okay?" Wen Ping

"Eh? What a surprise" - Tao

"That's the governor?! No wonder most of the taxes is gone into his stomach look how round it is hahaha" Mu Qing smirks as he makes fun of insulting the governor's look

"The governor's name is Balto Hakkin, he is the husband of the Hakkin clan patriarch's daughter. Hakkin clan are one of the midrank nobles residing in here" Wen Ping informed them

"Hakkin? Are they famous?" -Tao

"Probably, what I only know this clan's major source of business are shipping raw materials coming from here and into other parts of the empire" - Wen

"Wen Ping is so informative ah" Hua Heng praised

"Hmph! Of course I'm not like you guys" - Wen boast

After a round of discussions about the governor as well the other well known families residing Darya. Shu Wei decided to end the discussion.

"Hmmm.... Let's proceed with gathering more info tomorrow. This meeting is over" Shu Wei dismissed and also left the room first

The other generals looked at their leader who calls out a servant to order another set of tea into his room before finally leaving.

"He really like drinking tea that much?" all of them rolled their eyes



"Should I give all of you a copy?" Wen Ping reffered to the governor's picture

"No way" the guys told him with an impassive face and left the room immediately


Wen Ping is now the only one left in the room, he looked at the scroll and with wave of his hand the scroll turns into tiny pieces of paper.

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now