Snitch And Ditch

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Rou Hua leaped few trees as she tried to look where the twins are. After passing few branches she heard a clamours below her. She quickly looked down and found four entangled men, Hua Heng nearly let out a belly of laughter as she looked funnily at the men under her.

The four men she was pertaining are her commanders and Shu Wei's.  The four  were all tight locked as their daggers, chained short swords were interlocked.

"That's why even they want to separate they can't pfft.. Because their weapons didn't want to hehehe" she giggled as she secured herself on the branches deciding to not interfere

"I should greatly admire these wonderful scene in front of me ahhh you boys enjoy yourselves in each others embrace as this grandma will only watch you all from afar ah" Hua Heng's incurable disease spring up again, her fujoshi side can't help to watch the blessed scenery in front of her which gave her mind many delusions of beautiful men doing something that fujoshi Wuxia loves to see 🙈

Facing each other face to face, the four faces begin to grow dark as they emit their oppressive auras at the same time. Eigu and Mo Ran who can't stand their positions any longer roared in annoyance as they tried to pull their dagger and chain sword apart but it seems that their strengths can't even separated the two enter wined weapons.

"You bastard let go of my dagger from your ugly sword!" Eigu 's mouth can be said loud but poisonous as well when he is annoyed

"Did you just called my chained sword ugly, you scoundrel! Let me give you a slice in the mouth to teach you to appreciate my treasured weapon" Mo Ran who is the same as the other  burst in anger when his weapon that his miss gave to him was called ugly by others

He, Mo Ran, even he is sometimes a fool his eyes were very bright and can appreciate objects clearly as day. The chained sword his miss gave to him before she secluded herself is his most treasured weapon he have, the shape to the texture of the chained sword is ideal to the weapon he very much loved to obtained. The chained sword is very precious to him so how could he allowed someone to insult his weapon ah.

"Your weapon is ugly!"

"Despicable thing! Just die when I pierced you with my sword!"

"In my entire life I never seen a stupid idiot guy like you!"

"Neither am I, stupid bastard!"

"What did you say?!"

"Say it again!"

The two men continued to bicker insults to other as their faces comes closer and closer.Mo Ren and Iroha looked at them with ludicrous faces while the watcher above is giggling silenty as she struggle not to let out a squeal.

"Just a little bit and their lips will be smooch wahahhaha-ahem😏" Hua Heng cupped her nose tight if  the bad blood will flow again and smiled silly

The audience who is looking at her raised their eyebrows and narrowing their already small eyes.

Crowds:"...….... What is that general doing?"

As the two bites each other with their venomous insults. Mo Ren looked at the man in front of him with a hint of coldness.

"Let go of my arm" he coldy growled

"What if I don't" Iroha raised his eyebrow challenging him...

"Then don't cry if I do this"

Mo Ren push his dagger that is entangled with force towards Iroha which stunned the man. His free hand grabbed the others collar and inhaled a load of air.

With all his strength he lift the young man and throw him into the ground hard.

*Bang! *

"Ooof!" Iroha's breathing halted for a few seconds causing him lose his grip on Mo Ren's arm

Mo Ren wants to back away but seeing the Flag on his enemy's neck, he finally remembered their target.

Steal the flags

Without a second though he bends to get the flag but he didn't expect that the man pulled him down.

*Poof! *,


Hua Heng: *gasp**eyes twinkling**pinch nose*


Due to Iroha's pulling, Mo Ren fell on top of him .  Both foreheads suffered from the collision earning each other's groan.

"Arghh!..... You stupid man! !" Mo Ren muffled as he cursed

"You! Get off me!" Iroha angrily  pushed the person on top of him

Failing to get his target, Mo Ren stands up quickly and distanced himself as he draw his dagger in front of his chest in a protective manner.

He looked at his twin who is also struggling along with the other's comrade as they tried to reach each other's flags. 

"You two move out forget their flags, call your twin"

Startled, he heed his miss' orders despite of being confused.

Miss is here?

If I'm  right  miss should be facing the demon general of these annoying minions bah? But.... That means she escaped?

With a dash towards his twin, Mo Ren quickly grabbed his twin's collar and using qinggong he leaped aiming to the dark side of the forest.

Iroha and Eigu planned to chase the two but they sense a powerful intent which is coming to them. Alarmed, the two stepped back three times from the twins escape direction as they gripped their weapons tightly incase the owner of the powerful intent shows up.

Aiyoo look at those two ah

Why so anxious this lady will not eat the both of you bah

*Master, hurry! Or else that mad do- I mean there other one will recover and catch you *

Boohoo - 3-


She jumps up and heads towards the two guarded people with a small circular black ball in both two hands.

"Enjoy the smoke, kiddos!" and throw the two black balls towards the two


Seeing two small unidentified balls coming towards them, Iroha and Eigu didn't hesitate to counter attack the flying balls by slashing it.

"Whoops.." Hua Heng covered her mouth as she silently giggled as her eyes glint with mischief as she followed  the twins

*poof! *

Brown colored thick smoke comes out from the ball causing the two to close their eyes and starts to cough.

"What the heck this smoke is the smelliest smoke I've ever inhaled!!!"

"Who farts in front of this grandpa! So smelly! Pei!"

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now