Loose One But Lucky I Have Two(1)

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Both were frozed in their place with awkward posture. One is stunned with her body crouched down in all fours in the ground while the other is standing with all his glory with an already eaten cucumber in his hand but luckily a large heart shaped leaf unexpectedly covered the man's long jewel or else that person's lecherous eyes will surely travels down to see the man's hidden weapon.

(;-;) (' ') - Hua Heng

(0-0) (0^0)- Wu Yong

Uh oh..... I better escape quickly or else I will be branded as a perverted General

But hehehe this guy is pretty sexy

'' Uh hi? Nice to meet you and good bye" Like a stimulated rabbit Hua Heng jumps and disappeared into the bushes

Wu Yong snaps from his frozed stated after the perpetrator escaped and realized what happened.

"OH Shit!" shouting a loud cuss he quickly runs towards his general direction without consideration on his naked appearance

With only five steps he saw his general and other commander appearing from the tall lake grasses. With a final sprint he shouts,


Wen Ping and Wu Ja looked at Wu Yong at the same time, seeing a naked man sprinting to them the two can't help to step back and put a disgusted look at their faces.

The wondering spirits in the area can't help to seek a peek on what is happening and opened their eyes allowing the crowds outside to look.

Audience (Men) :"........"

Audience(Young Women) : KYahhhhh!*blush*

Audience (Married Women) : Preposterous! *blush*

Audience(homosexual men) : * cat whistle*

Those families who have children with them covered their children's eyes.

"Mama, why is their a cucumber on that brother's lower body?" an innocent child ask


Back the the lake side...

"Wu Yong how rude of you! Put some clothes on" Wu Jing sternly and cold said as he glared at the naked man I front of them

This man! Hayst why he is so hasty and whats with the cucumber 🥒?

Wen Ping's calm facade crumbled again as his face puffed in annoyance as another one as tall as the man beside him is looking down at him. His irritation back in the lake resurfaced again especially the man infront of him shows up with no clothes and with only a cucumber on his hand.

In his head an image of a man running towards him nakedly and with a straight rod moving South to North making the young man disgusted even more.

I want to kick him

"How shameless!" Wen Ping spat as he glared at him

Wu Yong who finally realise his situation and quick hides among the tall grasses with an embarassed expression on his already red face.

"I seriously apologised for my uncivilised appearance but I had a bad news! "

The two men looked at him at the same time with a frowned expression. A feeling of anxiety rose up inside of them as they anticipate what Wu Yong will announced next.

"The Shiroku... The Shiroku team steal both of your flags!"

"What?!" the duo exclaimed at the same and their expression grew shades darker

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now