Mistress?Keep dreaming!

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The men are preoccupied with ogling their prisoners and fantasizing about depraved encounters with them, particularly with the female with long silky black hair.

They cannot believe that they have managed to capture a female of such a high caliber. She appears to be an aristocrat's daughter, but regardless of whether or not she actually comes from a noble family, this girl will provide them with a lot of money.

Unfortunately, the men inside excluding Hakkin sigh as they know that the governor immediately claimed the girl his.

In addition to predicting how miserable the girl will be over Balto Hakkin's bed, they also anticipate that she won't stay very long. Simply by glancing at the girl, you can tell how frail, delicate, and weak she is.


Meanwhile, Hua Heng is chatting with Meimei with an annoyed face.

Look at him! This nasty governor is eyeing me as if I am a piece of meat.

Should I poke his eyes now?

*Master,  you want me to make a potion that can knock him in a sec?*

Make some just in case but I got this. I am looking forward to what this guy will do.

* Just be careful, master*

Balto Hakkin smirks as he slowly makes his way in Hua Heng's direction. His round belly jiggles as he steps closer. 

"I can't believe that a beautiful maiden like you was caught by us. Are you a fallen noble's daughter or just a beautiful commoner? Hahahaha even so now that you're here it means your mine "His joyful laughter echoed thru the room

He looked again at Hua Heng with a lustful expression. His chubby hand tried to touch her face but Hua Heng slapped his hand before it makes contact.

*You pig! You don't deserve to touch my master's face! *

Hakkins were startled, he was shocked how the girl slapped his hand until it stings but quickly regained his posture. He narrowed his eyes thinking but Hua Heng quickly put her act as a weak woman.

"Feisty but" Hakkin's hand pulled Hua Heng's hair hard as his lips slightly near her ear and he whispered

"I liked it" Hua Heng was irked and quickly pulled herself from his grasp

She slightly regrets letting the chubby man manhandle her but it is good as the chubby man thinks she's weak and easy.

The governor pulled her up and snaked his hand to her waist slightly caressing it, he groans with the satisfaction of how flat and soft the woman is. This is the first time he was so aroused and have the urge to make a woman his.

Wen Ping who is watching was unconsciously clenching his hand contemplating if he should summon his swords and kill them at once. His eyes narrowed when the governor put his hand on Hua Heng's waist.

"This vermin... " His hand was almost completing a seal when Hua Heng looked his way and smiled

"....." He stopped and just clenched his hands

"Your smiling as if that vermin's action is not making you uncomfortable, tsk" he whispered

Hua Heng sighs and feels happy at Wen Ping's reaction but still, she wants this mission to be followed as per order. She wants to chop the hand groping her waist too but she has something on her mind.

"P-please let me go! Why are doing this governor? '' she speaks timidly

" This is illegal? Heh! Human trafficking is not a bad business why would the government ban this?! Am I an idiot to pass an opportunity to earn big profits from selling humans or these god damned demi-humans? It is not even a bad trade ah " Balti Hakkins arrogantly explained

He grabs a handful of hair of Hua Heng's and kissed it while his beady eyes lecherously looked at her.

"Don't worry I will not sell you. A high-quality woman is suitable to be owned by me, Balto Hakkins HAHAHA!"

All the people inside who heard his statement disagreed mentally. A fatty man like him doesn't deserve to have such a beautiful woman.

After checking their capture today Balto Hakkin and his group decide to leave with Hua Heng being the exception as Hakkins will take her out.

"Now that you are mine. You shall be my mistress! Feel honored" Balto Hakkins declared

Mistress? Be you mistress hah?! Keep dreaming!

*What a delusional man! That fatty  dreams of eating a swan's meat *

Hua Heng pretends to struggle to let the governor enjoy dragging her when Wen Ping stands up and walks toward her direction. He grabs a hem of Balto Hakkins's clothes.

"Please take me too" a small soft voice called him startling everyone

In front of him, a slightly tall woman with hair similar to red wine stands bravely. Her sharp eyes are looking directly at him. The tall red-haired woman was also a beauty second to the woman he is holding but Balto Hakkins feels less attracted.

"Scram! I only need her" he sneered but Wen Ping  didn't let go

He looked at the governor with determination in his eyes.

"My lord please"


Wen Ping fakely stumbled and fell down.

"Pahh! How stubborn! Hmph! Okay, I'll take you" After slapping the red-haired woman he grabbed Wen Ping's collar and proceeded to drag her along Hua Heng. One of his confidants showed a panicked face.

"My lord, you can't drag two our boss only told you to get only one"

"Boss who?! Hmph! Agur can't stop me from getting what I want? I am the employer I employed all of you, I am your superior! Agur is just your boss! If I want these two then I will get them!"

Balto Hakkins was afraid of Agur but he can't let go of the two beauties as their looks captivated him too much. They have many captives today so what if he gets two? There is no profit to lose.

" Hmph! Tell This two is the last one I will get from the captives. The rest will be sold on Ance (Black market) or to other countries" he arrogantly ordered 

" Let's go I can't wait to enjoy playing  these two" Balto looked lustfully at Wen Ping and Hua Heng and let a lascivious laugh echoing the whole room making everyone shivers and felt disgusted

Hua Heng and Wen Ping looked at each other with the same expression of wanting to kill a certain someone. 

Shan threw them a worried expression. Her anxiousness is increasing, and she is almost forgetting Hua Heng's promise. Her breathing also began to constrict, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Rou Hua Heng threw one last look at her and mumbled 2 words.

" Don't worry"

Shan's eyes sparkled with unshed tears at the same time she releases the air she is holding. 

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