The journey

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One month  since Ruo Hua Heng's provocation had passed.She and her army was now prepared and journeyed back to the capital. Rou Hua Heng was dressed on her General uniform,she was clad with in red and black armour (her armour was customize by her^^) her armour may looked small compare to the usual size of the smallest armour for a guy but when Hua Heng used it, the armour become fitted to her body and she looks more like a young and eye catching General with intimidating aura but most of all the warriors even her five personal warriors look at her and sigh.

So young ah even he gives his intimidating aura but can't conceal that his face gives off his masculinity ah dutiful such calamity

Hua Heng was on her dark horse talking inside with the little bun when she felt her nose itch

"Achoo!" She held her nose and rubs it softly and frowns

Did I caught cold ah?

Little bun saw her master sneeze and smiled mischievously and says," Eh master someone is talking about you ah fufufu looks like master is being pitied by someone cause master appearance is a sinner even it is cloaked with armour fufufu- ahhh!"

Rou Heng pinch quickly yet painfully the little buns cheeks and retracted her hand from the small void she created. She smiles sweetly  and said," Oh do I look a sinner eh that my appearance can cause ones calamity eh *PEI!* do I look a demoness ah you little brat you dare to insult this master's appearance ah you are looking for a spank in the butt again eh!"

And so the little bun shut up and fly herself to her little bed as she covers her face and points her butt up showing that she is displeased and wronged by her master.

Hmph! Master is not honest and can't see the others looks yet telling that her face is not a calamity Hmph! Master's eyes is blind! Master's family is all blind ah!

Hua Heng sighs and pinch her own cheeks and spouted

So what? I can't help it ah this body is a girl with a devastating looks ah I didn't as to be so beautiful even I'm dressed in man's clothing I was called androgynous appearance yet considered a disgust among men ah

(*In the era of Yinyang Men should be strong and appearAnce will determined their masculinity but men with a face of a woman is considered weak and useless but can be used in brothels)

After pitiying herself she ordered her troops to march down holding the flag of their kingdom.

Their base is a little bit faraway from the center capital of the kingdom. So they have to travel three days to go to the core of the kingdom where most nobility and royals lived and also where the competition will be held.One day of their journey is peaceful yet full of liveliness due to the mischievousness of three vice commanders, Ren Mo, Ren Ma,and Du Fang.

Marching on the deserted forest while Rou Hua Heng was riding of her horse talking to Chen Diyu a loud shriek was heard and the grounds vibrated as someone or something heavy is stomping hardly the dirty soil.


A giant five feet tall lizard was running towards their direction. And the shocking part is three horses and guys was also crazily running and screaming at the same time.




It's turns out that the three people is Hua Heng's personal warriors. The three feet tall lizard was a fire lizard, its neck and tail was coated with orange red fire, its scales are redish Brown color and it looks very sturdy, eyes like snake and mouth full of sharp teeth with poisonous saliva dripping on its side. The army was stunned and frowns.

What the hell?! How in the world did those three do ah?! Why is there a crazy lizard tailing them....aiyo! They are coming on this way! Aiiyyyaa go far away from us! Ah! Trouble! Trouble!

Hua Heng was amused as she looking at the three people that is galloping their horses towards their direction and look at her two subordinates that is frowning. She heard Chen Diyu irritatingly mumbles," Bunch of rice pots"

She chuckles

Kekekeke this journey is not bad ah kekekeke

Hello!^^ back in the line hehehe I apologize for being slow in upradating chapter^^ but I'm back again hehehe
I hope u will enjoy this^^

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