Return Of Glory---- Coincidental?

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"Heng Heng is that you?"

Turning her head she saw a very cute girl wearing a beautiful light green hanfu. Blinking cutely, the girl quickly run towards her shouting her name loudly.Thankfully, they are the only people residing the whole second floor or else it will be embarrassing.

"Heng Heng it's you!" the girl suddenly jumps with her arms open wide while Hua Heng freaks out and immediately stands up and catch the incoming person

*plops! *

She stumble as she catch the tiny woman safely into her arms.

"Oops hehehehe..."

"Crazy girl, are you tired of living?! If I didn't catch you your face will be deformed" Hua Heng can't help to scold the mischievous sister who is still in her embrace

"Hmph! I'm not afraid! My valiant sister will definitely save me ah" Ning Xi cutely said and she rub her face into her chest

"Ahhh so soft and bouncy-aww!"

Feeling hot from the shameless words, Hua Heng smack Ning Xi in the head.


"Only to you blehhh"


After a bit of a cat and mouse chase inside the entire second floor of the tea shop chase the two settled down and ordered another set of pastries and tea.

Hua Heng learned that Ning Xi rented the whole second floor building because she didn't want to be disturb but she didn't hear the owners anxious voice and went up only to find a woman wearing silk veil dazedly eating and suddenly sneeze and the veil slightly opened a bit exposing the beautiful face inside.

"I saw a little bit of your goddess face and immediately realized that it is you ah! You're face is too eye-catching for anyone to forget hmph" Ning Xi proudly proclaimed as she bites on her cookie

"Your words are getting better and better in praising people, are you trying to be a swindler now? "

"Heng Heng you don't understand how your face can make people hypnotised " the young woman sighs and keeps tattling praises about her face while the other party keep piling her mouth with cookies distracting herself from cackling about how much a sweet talker her friend is

" I'm so envious that I want to hide you from people but as well I don't cause I want others to see that this goddess is my best friend and my sister ah! I wanna see those arrogant misses from other household who look down at  to be green in envy of your face! Don't you know you didn't show your entire face Infront of many everytime you go outside but still people flock on you-"

" That's enough sweet talks, Xixi"she can't stand hearing so much praises about her appearance and stuff her friend's mouth with a chocolate cookie

"oommffffh" Yum!

"By the way where is Ying? Your beloved-"

"Hush! Stop your nonsense mohhh Y-ying that idiot is not my beloved hmph!"

"Hahaha so where is he? I believed that he is always by your side like a gum stuck on your side, did uncle Ning finally permitted you to go alone?" Hua Heng raised her eyebrow as she look the the figetting girl opposite of her

This girl is a troublemaker

Ning Xi can't look straight at her friend's teasing eyes. The guilty girl's face right now is similar to a ripen tomato making Hua Heng's smirk.

"You lass is smelling trouble ah hahahaha I wonder where did you left Ying now hahaha"

I bet this bodyguard is frowning so darkly tapping his boot on the ground. That boy is very not fonfmd of being waited.

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