Levelling up! The monster is born(4)

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Not long after the beautiful woman shrank back to her little form.She took her carved fan and started to fan her master trying to make her comfortable while pinching some leaves again.If Hua Heng knows this sure her face will contorted again from anger.

(Author's pov,"Meimei is really mischievous hehehe^^)

(Meimei: I can hear you! You coldhearted old woman! Stop making my butt spanked again! Hmph!)

(Author's pov," hehehehehe (^^)v )

Ruo Hua Heng keep seeing blurred images and sounds,  she tries to speak and move but she can't because she felt her limbs was frozen,she sighs.

What is happening? I can't move!

The blurred Images are consists of four different people,she can't see what did they look liked but she can hear their voices.

"Hey! Wu come and see I caught big fish today! This fishes are delicious ah" a man with a red blurred dress said and based on his tone this Wu guy is important to him

"No! Why would brother Wu will eat those stinky fishes of yours ah! Are you trying to poison Brother Wu?!"a green clothed young woman said childishly as she clings on her arms

Eh?why I suddenly feel her clinging me? Wait.....am I him?!

The blurred red guy was furious as he started to quarrel with the green girl when a white blurred guy approaches them as he sternly yet elegantly scolded the two.

"You two behaved yourselves have shame! Master is in front of you two and hearing you bickers will harmed his hearing,fools"

Master?Eh? This man is their master?!

The two seemed to calm down and apologized to her or the man ,Hua Heng was so puzzled how come she was in the situation.The man named Wu laughs as he caressed the hair of the green girl and boys hairs and look amusingly at the white clothes man.

"Aiya,Shierre is always stern ah don't worry too much I loved seeing these two arguing hooking my interest"

The white guy sighs when a big black shadows hovers the sky.There's a big blacked scaled Dragon flying on sky making the protagonist stunned.

A Dragon?

The Dragon flew down on their way and shrinks his full   on a human body.

It's a pity I can't see his face tsk...

"Wuxia I'm glad your alive till now"a hoarse yet familiar voice coming from the man in black said

Wuxia?hmmmm..what a coincidence

The man named Wuxia suddenly laugh and walk beside the dark guy and Punch lightly like the guy's chest and chuckled.

"Of course I'm alive you dumb Dragon"

The guy seems frowns on what Wuxia said,"Stop saying dumb you-"

Hua Heng suddenly felt dizzy again and her sight blurred more and something again flows on her making her head scream pain like someone is cracking her head.She wanted to scream but her voice was sealed.

By the time she wake up she saw her servant nipping again.


"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" Little bun was rolling on the ground holding the centre of her forehead that is now swelling

Hua Heng snorts and stands up patting her clothes and look at her little bun rolling while whining from her master's harshness towards her.

Rou Hua Heng chuckled and she is thinking about the blurred images,voices and the man named Wuxia that she saw.

Is it a dream or a fragments of this memory........Wahhhhhhh I feel those five are similar to me especially the girl she is the same attitude with my turtle mei ah
Especially that guy named as the same as me in my modern life

After some thinking she decided to leave it for now.She look at the turtle who is pouting with a large plump on the center of her forehead looking like a single horned deer.

"what happened?" she is asking what happen to her after she lost consciousness

The little turtle sniff and look at her with an adoring eyes and mouth smiling wide.


"Master your body emitted golden light and don't you know you almost sucked the energies of the whole dimension ah! Master is really like a monster ah you're current level are extremely jaw hanging! Master! Master is a monster ah!"the little bun explains exaggeratingly to the max while Hua Heng was dumbfounded

Say what?

She closed her eyes and feel her body to see her current level.

My current level after my cultivation is 50 from 35 ah lets see .....

Rou Hua Heng open her eyes widely,her obsadian eyes was full of shockness as if she did see something big and her mouth was hanging.

What the f#(£:£_&£!!!!!!!

This is ridiculous! Wow!
Heavens blessed me so much ah!

I'm now level 75


Thanks for reading!^^

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