Mission (2)

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Hua Heng's pov,
Me and this big idiot named Tao are currently in Daria's West Market searching abnormalities.

So far there's no abnormalities here except for few thieves and punks lurking here and there.


I though doing an investigation with a partner will be easier to complete the task but...

"Hey! Hey! Shu! Take a look at this fish! It is so ugly hahhaha!"-Tao Tong*pointing fish that is quietly swimming in the tank*

"Woah! Hey, Shu let's try this food it looks delicious!"-Tao *pointing the boiled red lobsters*

"There's a big hotpot restaurant! Come let's go, Shu!" *dragging me inside the restaurant *

This big idiot...

"Hummm the hotpot is so delicious let's go again next time hahaha"*rubbing his bulged tummy*


This idiot teammate of mine seems taking this mission as if we are here to have fun.

Well... (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Our first task today seems like it though, observing the surroundings to find abnormalities.

It is not bad to enjoy some time while doing these mission, right?

"Shu! Lets-" without hesitation I put a sticky tape to Tao Tong's mouth shutting the big man's noise

*Master don't just use that tape in meaningless things don't you know how hard to make one?! *

His mouth couldn't shut up for a minute okay?

My ears will bleed if I will continue to hear his damn voice about everything and drag me to any shops

*It's not like master didn't enjoy it after*roll eyes*... *

Shut up you-

*Meimei escaped*

"Uhmmmm...!! Uhhmm?" Tao Tong looked at his partner confused

"Don't look at me like a puppy I will not rip that tape in your mouth you're too damn noisy" I said to him irritated

Hmph! No matter how cute you are, I don't have the tolerance to be pulled and being disturbed while I am on missions.

"Uhmmm?" - Tao looked at me again with pleading puppy gaze

E-eek! His disguised face didn't looked cute at all!

This big guy has a mushy beard ah! Imagine a middle aged man giving you puppy eyes.

A little bit creepy...

"Don't look at me like a puppy because your not cute, old man!" - me

Tao Tong looked at me like a sad puppy with imaginative ears down.

Awee now looking at him he turned into a little chibi with big glossy eyes 👀

"Let's stroll next time okay? We have a big mission to do" I hardened my will not to look at him in the eye

"Stay that way for the mean time and let's go!" I didn't peel the tape because I know this big puppy will whine

I immediately drag the sulking big guy inside a luxurious building

"Let's go to this brothel first to see if we can get some leads" I said to him


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