The family(2)

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After the warm welcome and bear hugging our FL is finally free. Rou Hua Heng feels that her body is now on the verge of being exhausted. She smiled bitterly and whine like a child

"Aiyo this child just got back and look! Look! Ah! This child is now battery from all of your beating (hugging) ah! Oh! Oh! Brother is waking up! Brother Shu!" Hua Heng rush up to her half asleep brother

Rou Hua Shufen woke up in daze when he heard a sweet voice coming from his side. He finally regains his mind and look at his side.

There's a beautiful fairy sitting on his side of the bed, the fairy's face was painted with worry. He was mesmerized for a second and then his mind  clicks, it is his beloved sister!

"H-heng- Heng?" He croaked

He is surprised that her sister is here,his sister who substitutes herself for him, her sister who is so delicate like a flower with a brave character, his only beloved sibling. Rou shufen's eyes redden as he stared at his sister's face.

Hua Heng seems notice her brother's eyes and quickly put her soft small snow white hands on her brother's thinned paled face with worry.

"Brother ah! D-don't shed tears ah! I'm home alive ah! Shed tears only if someone's died neh? So don't cry this sister's heart is ever fragile when brother is crying la"she continues rattle while wiping Rou shufen's tears

The relatives, Rou Cheng,and Mrs. Rou that is in her back are shedding tears as they wAtch their nieces and children's caring each other. Their hearts broke seeing Ruo shufen crying in grief and helplessness as he stared at his sister who is cooeing  him. They know that their son and niece don't want his sister to take his position and being bullied because her  martial arts are weAk, but what can they say ?Ruo Hua Heng is a delicate and fragile girl by heart despite of her brave and brazen attitude, she was raised to be pampered not to be in battlefield.

But how can they know that the pampered and brazen girl is now in the past and the current Rou Hua Heng was the CEO of the most powerful assassination company in the 25th century?

"H-heng? I'm sorry...I'm sorry..I'm- "

"Sorry! Sorry what? What who is begging for sorry ah! Brother don't put stress on yourself or else it affect your tiger body ah! Do you know how many men shed tears and cry like a pig ready to be slaughtered ah?!" Again Hua Heng imitate the past Hua heng's childish attitude

O-o??¿ (family) "Men?"

Suddenly the rattling sister snaps back from her acting yet slightly real self.

Whoops! My fantasies run wild again hehe

"Ahem! I mean girls yeah! Many girls will be widowed ah!"

Rou Hua Shufen suddenly calm down as he listen to his cheerful sister's lying mouth. He slightly smile and his redden eyes had small glittering stars.

"Sister, is the army hard for you? If so, you can return back here and become who you really are instead of pretending ah I don't you to spend your youth battling with those foxes and snakes on the imperial armies while waiting for my recovery ah-" he hoarsely said and cough


His slow reacting poison is acting again making everyone to panic.

Rou Hua Heng's face turns dark

"Servant! Servants! Quick! Go and get the golden box on the stock room hurry!" Mrs. Rou shouted as fled beside her daughter

"Call the manor's physician! Quick!!" A thunder order of the former General Ruo shouts

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now