The Den

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Hua Heng's Pov,

When I look around at the terrified women around me, I assume I am in some dark basement room full of women who are being held captive. I muttered something and glanced over my left arm.

" Dislocated..." I cursed again

Those jerks sure don't know how to appreciate the value of their possessions. How can they sell their captives for a higher price if they are acting in such an irresponsible manner? I was caught off guard when they used that scheme to catch those women.


While standing Hua Heng grabbed the wrist of her injured arm. She pulled her arm forward and straight, in front. She guides the ball of her arm bone back to the shoulder socket putting the shoulder back in place.


"Ouch! that hurts damn! Those guys will have an additional beating to me after this. " Hua Heng hiss as she massages her arm to release the tight compensatory muscles surrounding the shoulder.

She scans the area, looking for a boy with red hair who is her accomplice in this mission. In the dark corner, she saw him leaning unconsciously on the shoulder of a girl who is looking at him with concern. Except for her and Wen Ping the girl who is being leaned upon by her partner is not trembling or showing a scared look despite being held captive.

She walks in their direction and stands in front of them. The girl looked up and was stunned to see a beautiful girl smiling at her.

"Uhummm...?" The girl didn't know why the girl is looking and looked at the red-haired girl that is still unconscious

" Hi little girl, sorry for the inconvenience I will wake her up" Hua Heng smiled as she grab her so-called little sister by the collar

"W-why are you not looking scared?" the girl can't help to ask as she saw Hua Heng's carefree expression as she casually shook the unconscious Wen Ping

"Scared? oh? yeah I'm scared too"-Hua


"Little girl simply not showing a scared reaction doesn't mean I'm not scared at all. Just think why would I bother shivering from being caught by these bandits instead of thinking how to solve my situation?"-Hua

"Even with positive thinking, how can I worry about my condition and find a solution if those guys are armed and strong?" "*sniff* " The young lady identified as Shan started sobbing.

"Whoa, calm down don't worry I assure you that those guys will not be going to sell you"-Hua

"How can you be so sure? You're just a girl like me...and..y-you're so beautiful too and I think that their boss will take interest" Shan said

*I am hoping too that their boss will take notice of me so that this mission will end early*

"Don't worry I will protect myself if they try to do dirty to me. Didn't I tell you? Don't panic and stay calm someone will be here soon and all of us will be saved" Hua Heng said confidently 

"Huh? No one knows we are kidnapped... Is the capital knows what is happening here?"-Shan

"The Emperor knows and will Soon exact justice, little girl. "Hua Heng smiled

Shan's tears stopped involuntarily as she looked at the beautiful girl in front of her. The girl's message calms her frightened self and a sigh of relief enters her, which is why Shan was taken aback at how the beautiful girl's words affected her.


Hua Heng begins to shake her partner as it's still not waking up from slumber.

"Sleepyhead wake up! Did you hit your head badly for you to be unconscious for so long? Oy!" Hua Heng pinched Wen Ping's nose to stop air him from receiving air.

"HMPH! HMMP!" Wen Ping finally open his eyes and swatted Hua Heng's hand

" Are you trying to kill me?!" Wen Ping glared at her

" Bruh! You should thank me instead. How can you sleep so deeply that you make a frightened girl as your pillow " -Hua


" Nevermind, now we are here inside of a room where they put their captured people for today and I think any minute someone will go here to inspect," Hua Heng said

Wen Ping looked around and he can see women ranging from 12 to 18 years old. Seeing the frighted people around him. Wen Ping frowns and looked at Hua Heng.

" You should be more careful" Wen Ping warns her

" Hehehe I know" Heng Heng chuckled as she knew what he is saying

Hua Heng and Wen Ping discussed their strategy while they awaited the arrival of their targets. When these individuals enter their trap, Hua Heng and Wen Ping simultaneously grin.

" Once they let step, it's over"

As time passed, the kidnapped women's cries and wails rang continuously. Hua Heng is busy consoling the women out of worry that her partner, Wen Ping, will tape their mouths. Wen Ping is covering his ears from the commotion while creating an expression as if he wants to tape all the women's mouths.

Suddenly from the outside several footsteps can be heard. Hua Heng estimated that there are 4 people coming. 

"Finally, it's showtime!" Hua Heng's eyes became sharp, and her aura and demeanor turned from calm to panic, much like the women inside.

Wen Ping was intrigued by how quickly his comrade altered their auras and began acting like a weak girl. He was unable to emulate Hua Heng, so he remained silent and acted like a timid girl.

Men's satanic laughter and their footsteps halt in front of the metal door.


The face of their target was mirrored in Hua Heng's glossy black eyes. Rou Hua Heng's lips showed a cold smile before reverting to her pitiful act.

If there were no order to bring this pedo governor, his head would be flying right now, before his eyes fully opened.

Balto Hakkin's eyes widened as he laughed joyously at today's harvest of women. His breath halts along his steps as the girl his eyes sets on makes his heart quakes from surprised and awed by the beauty in front of him.

Balto Hakkin had made up his mind that the girl standing in front of him would be his woman and he smirked evilly as his eyes wandered over Hua Heng's body.

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