Smiling Demon(4)

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Blue and Green sparks sparkled as the two weapons filled with Ying energy clashed, Dum ase quickly retreated and perform a fast footstep technique along with his spear aiming to pierce Eigu but Eigu completely avoided the sharp spear attack and only received a few small cuts in the arm and face. Eigu's left cheeks has a small thin cut with a small flow of blood is streaming silently but it stopped in a matter of second, brimming with lust of sparring a general Eigu's beastly side is activated. He licks a small amount of his blood and spit it into the ground.

Pui! Yak! It really taste like iron pui! 😦

This old man is strong but it is perfect to be my sparring partner Nyat!

If Iroha heard Eigu's boastful sentence he will probably rebutted a nasty comment which will crash Eigu's ego.


Eigu and Dum ase are in a deadlock battle with each other and it seems that it will take time before one of them collapse. In Iroha's side countless of enemy soldiers  throwing countless of attacks towards them yet being one of the brains Iroha commands their soldiers to defend and attack without a second thought.

"Attack the enemy's flank on the left-! No! Defender flank go to the front protect the first and second flank now!" Iroha was taking the command as he analyze the situations base on what he see, seeing that the situation is not going to progress as the enemy soldiers were slightly on par ontheirs in terms of stubbornness and strength he had no choice but to join as Eigu his battle maniac friend is enjoying on battling with a fuming general.

"Make way!" He said loudly as he trotted  infront

In his waist a silver chains like belt is hanging with two crescent silver sickle blade shape on the both ends of the the chain, shining deadly as the sun light reflects on its blades.

He let go of his horse handle and pulled his silver chain sickle.

" Give me a space!" He ordered as he begin to twirl the chains

The Lü soldiers who are near to him immediately retreated three large steps as the deadly twirling blades are making them gulp their salivas in fear of being decapitated. Iroha twirled his weapon professionally as he have the complete control to where and when his chain sickle go to. 

Ignore the masked man ;-) the weapon of Iroha looks like those☝

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Ignore the masked man ;-) the weapon of Iroha looks like those☝

"All of you are dead meat" he coldy smirked

With every swoosh of his chain sickle two or three enemy soldiers are being thrown or injured with no chances of standing.
A handsome man in his horse dancing gracefully under the sun with silver chains twirling around him like a silver snake is so admirable in the eyes, that is what the audience said into their minds as they look at Iroha .

Both commanders were busy on their own turf. On the the other side, the General,Shu Wei, was perfectly standing on his horse. Around him, a perfect circle of unconscious and injured people can be seen, their eyes were all open, a combination of fear and shock expression are displayed inside of their wide eyes. The slender man clad in blue green light armour is sitting leisurely on his stallion with an eye catching rapier in his hand. His blue green snake like eyes  slanted as he looked at the people who still dared to go near him, Shu Wei can't help to smile wider which makes his jade face more brighter like a sun flower to the people who watched him can't help to sigh in admiration especially the women but into the eyes of the keen people his smile is the sign that he is going for a kill but the more his smile widen the more people will be slaughtered.

He is so handsome!*women*

Retreat! That man is dangerous!*men*

Ahh his smile makes my heart beats*women*

Brrrrr that man is making our backs chilled! Stay away from him*men*

Shu Wei slowly raise his rapier to the side, the golden color of the blade shines bright everytime it slashes it's victims.

It's time to end this *smile*

The general who didn't even move as he sliced his enemy began to move making the audience thrilled what will he do while to the enemy soldiers

Dum ase and Fai Bald noticed that their greatest foe is moving,

The demon the smiling demon is moving!

The two general can't help sweat as they didn't expect that the death god will be moving early than their calculation.

Shu Wei was bored of being attacked and also the time he installed is almost over that's why he rilled up his horse to move as his rapier slashes anyone and anything that it contacted to. Everyone is terrified of what they saw as they watched their comrades being slashed like a soft plant in the hands of the smiling general as if the armour that they are wearing is made of thin metal even though  the metal  used came from  high level 100+ beast.

The enemy soldiers gave up of fighting Shu Wei in front lines because they knew that they will only become one of the fallen that's why even though their general didn't comply them to retreat, their feet retreated and their weapons were shaking in fear as the smiling Azura is getting nearer and nearer at their directions. One soldier throws away his spear as he shriek I'm terror and fled as if he was chased by the mad man, one by one the soldiers gave up fighting and gladly falls to the ground as if they hugging the ground.

We will gladly lay our bodies into the ground so please have mercy on us oh great demon ah!


The last plot will be coming soon(^^)
I hope this one is good too hahaha!
My brain cells are missing😂

Thank you for reading again!
See you next time,Minna!(^^)

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