Fighting the strong while just throw the weak(1)

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All the silvers finally arrived as well as the three pillars. All of them were wearing the same aura like the first armies who fought but it is more thicker and there's also a hint of killing intent that is coming from all armies. The armies were forms three long lines horizontally.Red,Green and Black colored armours, three colors was standing out from all the silvers symbolizing the three pillars. Wen Ping's side was stationed in the left, Mu Qing's side is stationed in the right, while Tao Tong's side was in the middle.

"Aiiyaa! What's these formation?! Why I am in the middle ah! Uwahhh! Wenwen is is far aye-! This will be a long reunion before we will face off! Bao ba (talking about Mu Qing) is not also not far eh?"Tao Tong looked at his surroundings as he chartered happily as if he is on a zoo

宝爸 (Bao Ba) - It literally means "Dad of future babies"
General Tao Tong was chattering continuously as if he didn't feel the tension coming from the others. His subordinates was sighing and crying in grief because their general was so carefree and blind.

"General!"Xiao Bai can't stand his superior's behaviour and whines loudly, his brown eyes were forming crystal waters and his cheeks were turning peach from embarrassment and anger

When Tao Tong saw this, his eyes turns wide and mouth formed an "0" shape. His young warrior's face is so cute and not manly at all. His heart couldn't help to jump and ache at the same time. He, a rough man, is only used on ordering rough men but in the face of a cute angry rabbit, Tao Tong's hand was itching to pinch the peach cheeks of Xiao Bai.

"Aiyo! Subordinate Xiao don't put a face like that in the future or else, this big man will pinch your peach cheeks to death ah hohohoho! Your too cute to be a man, on the second thought I really thought that your a woman dressed on a man's clothing tsk... Too bad hayst! To be cute is so troublesome aye!- wu- hahaha okey! I'll stop I'll stop teasing! Xiao Bai don't cry! Ah a true man can't try ah!" Tao Tong's face was in panic expression as he saw Xiao Bai's crystalized waters dropping

Tao Tong's warriors: .........😕😬😤

Xiao Bai:Wuwuwuwu😭😭😭

Some armies around Tao Tong's army was looking at them with a look of disdain especially to the carefree big man, Tao Tong.

"Hmph! What's these?! Are they showing that we the other silver armies were not in there eyes at all?! Shameless!" a pot belly general of the army next to Tao Tong's disdainly said and his minions followed back some words with a look of haughtiness just like their general

"Heng! Whats with the tiltle of being the four pillars!pei! Are they also the same rank like us? Hmph!" A general with a fluffy mustache and wrinkled face said hatefully with an eyes flashing dark

Mu Qing's army and Wen Ping's army were also the same. Mu Sheng was angrily shouting at his nephew's due to his nephew's dirty mouth who is spurting bed words and flattering the flowers instead of discussing their formation. Mu Qing was covering his ears as he tried to appeased his furious uncle who is now looking like an angry gorilla who's banana is stolen.

"You! Who told you to cover your ears! Heng! This Great ancestor is not done!" With his spear he smack his nephew's head with a bang

"Aiyo! Uncle stop! I'll stop teasing aye!- stop smacking this little ancestor ah! So humiliating!''Mu Qing complains as he touched his aching head

Wuwuwuwu my perfect skull will deformed into an unknown shape if he keeps smacking me with his damn metallic spear aye!

"You better or else hmph! Hmph!'' Mu Sheng snorted

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now