Malhotra's Visit To The Hospital

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Awan's POV:

After few hours Mom got a call from the hospital saying that Uncle, Aunty and Advika are in hospital. Mom became a statue over there and tears are freely falling from her eyes. Dad not able to stop asked her what have happened. Then Mom told everything to him.
We immediately started to hospital. With the help of the receptionist Mom found the room of Advika. She is in the ICU. She is being treated by the doctors . After the operation have completed she is shifted to general ward. I didn't get to see her as her face is full of bandages.

Mom and Dad enquired about Ashu aunty and Dev uncle. Mom asked me to stay near Advika and take care of her. Now I'm with her. Later Mom and Dad came. Dad was asked to sign some papers and asked to collect two bodies. After thinking for sometime even then it didn't strike me what is going on. Which bodies are they talking about. I'm pulling my hair in frustration. I looked at Advika whose eyes are still closed. It is night now and she didn't wake up yet. After sometime Mom and Dad came to the room. They look so pale. Mom's eyes are blood shot which is indicating that she have cried a lot. But why?
She silently came to Advika with no expression. She took Advika in her arms and started crying very hard which is making me to cry too.

I asked my Mom to stop crying but she didn't even pay a heed to me. She held Advika more tighter. What is Mom crying for? What the hell is happening over here? Even Dad is not asking her to stop. For the first time I saw Dad in tears.I thought of yelling so that they could say what is happening. Dad slowly approached me and wiped my tears. He took me to the couch and made me sit on it. Later Dad started slowly.
"Ashu aunty and Dev uncle are no more Awan."he said leaving a drop of tear which have eventually found it's place on my hand's backside. I'm beyond shock after listening his words. I have started to worry about her now. How can she live without her parents? How can she live alone? I agree that she is rich but there are no one to take care of her. I pity her. What destiny is planning to do with her?

"Is she going to live in an orphanage Dad?" Those words spilled from my mouth with out my concern.
"No, my baby...... She is going to live with us." There came my Dad's reply which is unexpected.

With love♥️

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