The Marriage

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Author's POV:

Advika and Awan came to the mutual understanding of cancelling their Sangeeth as they are not fond of music and dance more. Even though everyone are disappointed by the decision they took, they agreed for that as it is the first decision taken by them together.

Diya and Nithya asked for Awan and Advi's whole day as they cancelled the Sangeeth. After some requests Awan accepted while Advi accepted after a lot of pleading and cursed them for wasting her precious time.

The whole day they played and made them play the games. Awan is still angry on Advika for the day of Haldi. They are playing the games but either are not interested in doing anything mutually.

And coming to Althea, Max and Ryan killed her in the snap of seconds feeding her body to the sharks. Advi held no remorse for doing that to Althea. She will not leave who ever comes near her or her family.

She asked Max and Ryan to convey this message to Priyanka Kapoor which shook her to the core. She is boiling in pure rage that again her plan failed. She thought of handling Advi with her direct attack after her marriage.

Advi is still sleeping in her room with Aadh in her crook. Both of them are hell tired with yesterday's work making the two early risers sleep like hybernating bears.

Aadh started sleeping with Advi since the night of mehandi. Both the groom and the bride are in their world of dreams forgetting that the current day is their marriage.

The elders too let them sleep as the marriage is going to be held in the evening.

On the other hand Anvi woke up and tried to wake Awan which went vain with her little hands.

She sat on his stomach and started to pounce on him making him growl loudly with her sudden act.

He opened his eyes with an irritated look but soon it melted away looking at her beautiful face with a gorgeous grin adorning her face.

" Uncle you are late. It's 9:49 am and still you are asleep." She said pouting adorably.

Awan looked at her and smiled placing his hands under his head.

" Good morning to you too darling. " He said in his husky morning voice.

" Uncle, you forgot something." Anvi exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.

This act of her's remined him of Advi where she will scold him angrily throwing her hands in air.

He chuckled at the memory while Anvika is gazing at him with a confusing look.

" What's that?" He asked yarning and snaking his hands around her.

" Today is your marriage." She said with a smile which made Awan pluck his hair.

He totally forgot that today is his marriage. Hearing that from her mouth made his eyes go wide as saucers.

" I forgot!" He exclaimed.

" I know." She said giggling.

" So? Why did you wake up early and woke me as well?" He asked putting her aside trying to get up from his position.

" Uncle......." She dragged and Awan understood that she want something.

" What do you want?" Awan cooed. This question made her face lit up like fire.

" Uncle can you make cake for me please?" She asked so cutely that he couldn't deny her wish.

Awan tried to deny but she cut him off.

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