Enough MA

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Awan's POV:

This girl sleeping on me is sure going to be my death some day or the other. Even though the sweetest one ever possible!

Her black and golden strands cassading over my chest and the warm sunlight disturbing her making her scrunch her nose cutely. My Doll is looking devine in my arms. That's the ony reason why I wake up early in the morning. Simply to watch her sleeping even it is for the few minutes.


Damn it! This alarm broke my train of thoughts making her to wiggle in my embrace slightly once to fall asleep again.

One thing I'm glad about is, her health condition is improving. She started sleeping an hour more after the accident and it became her daily routine. She comes to me rubbing her eyes whenever she feel sleepy or irritated.

I know I irritated her the other day in the study room.

Hey! Isn't she the one who plays with me everytime? I thought of playing this time.

Finally she woke up after the few minutes with a frown etched on her forehead.

Why do I feel that my day is going to be horrible today?

She opened those purple brown orbs and pushed her head up placing her hands over my chest.

An irritated look schooled her face and I know this is not a good start for this day. I smiled at her mumbling a little good morning only to be awarded by a blank look.

What happened to her today? No doubt she always makes my every birthday memorable. Note the sarcasm.

" Doll!" I called her softly and she rubbed her eyes rolling onto the bed from my chest.

She responded to my call with a hmmm. And great, she atleast replied with a monosyllabic sound. I didn't expect that seeing her in that mood.

Aarya came running to Doll barking softly to gain her attention.

" I'm not in the mood Aarya!" She mumbled closing her eyes. But Aarya being Aarya, he increased the volume getting onto the bed. He licked her softly and she started whining yelling Aarya's name.

" Don't irritate her little one. She is in the foul mood today!" I said taking Aarya into my hands. He gave his puppy eyes to me and I know what it means.

He needs to pee and poop.

She takes him out daily and her being all cranky today is not helping him.

I looked at the clock to see it showing 7:21AM and it's past his natural call time.

" Doll! Get your lazy ass off the bed and fresh up really quick." I said patting her bums a little and kissing her temple.

She pulled my hand and tucked it under her cheek making me chuckle and Aarya bark.

" I'll be back in few minutes." I said kissing her cheek and pulled my hand back.

I took Aarya outside really quick and came back only to see her opening the door of the washroom still closing her eyes.

" Something is eating her from inside. And what's that?" My brain asked and I walked further along with her as I too need to brush.

I took the toothpaste and put a pea size on my brush. But seeing her made me go all mad. She still closed her eyes sulking and God knows best what she is sulking on.

She took her brush and kept it under the hand wash pressing it. The whole lavender foam is on her brush and she didn't even notice it bringing it near her teeth.

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