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First of all thank you everyone for supporting me till the end.

First of all, I'd like to thank Avinash0909 who was my first follower and kept up with his constant support.

shab27 fathima_shaf have played a major role in encouraging me.

Thank you slow_learner for asking your readers to read my book. It really helped me a lot.

I'm very greatful to SHineeSunshine for helping me gain more reads by announcing my book twice in your message board. It really helped me gain a lot of reads and followers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Not to forget
SatakshiTiwari  for the continuous support they gave me by reading my book and hitting those stars. I'm thankful to you all.

And finally, the great AMBER_0501 and Ali_ya424 who never left me through out the journey of My Abstruse Love. It would be a bit discouraging for me if you are not hitched with me till the end of this book. You both have played a great role by always reads, voting and commenting.

Thank you everyone. I hope to get the same amount of love for my second book too. If possible a lil more 😄😄.

With Love❤️

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