Your Alioth

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Awan's POV:

My security team took care that she and me are not to be seen on any of the news or tabloids.

I safely took her home and laid her on the bed while she howled in pain.

" Easy.... Easy." I said to which she glared at me. I immediately bit back my laugh and smiled at her.

" How are you feeling now?" I asked arranging the pillows behind her.

" It is paining." She said with a scowl.

" Doll! It's afternoon and you need to have something." I said heaving a sigh.

" No. I don't want anything from your hand. All you give me is that tasteless food. You want me to eat those tasteless food?" She yelled at me balling her left hand into a fist.

" But you are not supposed to eat anything spicy. " I exclaimed to which she moved her head to the other side.

" Speak an another word, I won't even eat anything let alone that tasteless food." She growled.

" Don't yell. It is not good for your health." I said combing her hair tenderly with my fingers. She tried to wiggle but that only caused her pain making her yelp.

"Going away from me causes you only pain Doll and why do you hurt yourself always?" I asked in an irritating voice.

" Cause I can't hurt other even though I have the reason." She said closing her eyes.

I always know the hidden meaning behind her sentences. This time I chose to ignore it but not everytime. The time where you confess everything to me is very soon Doll. I smirked at her to only earn a growl from her.

I went to kitchen to make some healthy food for her. So I boiled few vegetables and spinach. Even I hate them but I have no option now. I separated them from the water and placed them in a bowl sprinkling some salt and pepper.

I looked so ugly and wasted but she have to eat them.

I took them to the bedroom along a glass if water. I opened the door to see her looking at the calm sea. No doubt she resembles a sea. Always calm and composed that you never know when she will show her wrath.

" Doll!" I said which came out so sensually.

She turned to me to only groan in pain. She closed her eyes to contain her pain and she heaved a sigh after composing herself.

I kept the bowl and water glass on the table and rubbed her back which is not effected. She looked at me with her bulged eyes.

I didn't understand why she looked at me that way but soon realization hit me . She didn't wear a bra.

I inched closer to her leaving only few inches between us.  I blinked my eyes in assurance and she is still looking at me with those beautiful orbs of hers.

I make my way towards her ears which are in deep shade of pink.

God! How much I crave to see this side of her.

" Baby Doll never feel embarrassed infront of me.  I'm your husband and I'm ought to take care of you. You wearing a bra or......." I'm say and she place her left hand on my mouth.

" Don't.  Don't say anything. I understand. " she said while turning into the darkest tone of scarlet. She slowly removed her hand tracing those soft fingers on my lips unknowingly.

Her cheeks, her neck, her ears, everything are turned into pink. I couldn't control my self anymore. So I just kissed her on her cheek. She glared at me while I just grinned at her.

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