First Kiss

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Author's POV:

It's been 3 day that they have been staying in the Goa house. Advi have become really quite and distant from Awan which is piercing his heart making him bleed. She even stopped fighting and back answering him.

He always tried to irritate her to make her talk but ultimately failed.

On the other hand Priyanka is totally planned to hurt her. Her PI already informed her about Awan and Advika where they have been staying and doing.

Advi is always lost in her thoughts and grew her likeness towards the stone bench near the beach. Walking in the beach always made her remember the time she spent with her parents.

" Doll?" Awan called her cautiously. She turned towards him with her eyes dead. There held no emotion in them.

She hasn't eaten anything since morning and it's killing him to see her like that.

" Won't you eat?" He asked and she looked at him blankly.

" Come." He said softly taking her hand in his. She emotionlessly followed him to the kitchen. He gently made her sit on the chair and brought a cup full of choco mouse cake.

Instead of feeding her he gave the spoon to her. She looked at the cake all lost.

" Eat." He said slowly.

" I don't have the apitite." She mumbled the first word for the day.

" You haven't eaten anything since morning. Are you getting it what I'm saying?" Awan freaked.

" Please eat." He begged.

She nodded and ate it with so much difficulty.

It's midnight where Awan is sleeping peacefully on the couch. On the other hand Advi is tossing and turning.

She got up to go to the washroom but her eyes landed on something else. She gasped looking at the spy drones.

She immediately ran to Awan and tried to wake him up. Her heart is beating frantically. Her collar is totally drenched in sweat.

" Awan get up." She pleaded shaking him violently.

" Please let me sleep." He mumbled and pusher her away abruptly landing her on the carpet.

Her anger has no peaks infuriating to an another level. She took the water jug adjacent to the couch and splashed on Awan.

" Get up bastard." Advi yelled.

He opened his eyes to see her burning in pure rage. He is totally drenched in water.

" Have you gone mad Doll? Who the hell wakes someone up in the midnight by splashing the water? Is it some kind of sick jest?" He yelled.

" A...Aw....Awan. There." She pointed towards the window.

He looked at her sudden change of demour and pushed his duvet off him.

He sat along with her in the carpet taking her into his embrace.

" Doll, what happened?" He cooed.

" There. There. I saw a drone." She said trembling badly.

Awan looked towards the window and he found no drone over there.

" Doll, there is no drone over there. See. It's just your hallucination." Awan said softly cupping her cheeks.

" You never believe me Awan. But I'm staying the truth." Advi said pushing his hands off her cheeks. She got up from the carpet and left the bedroom furiously.

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