Drama Of An Every Indian MIL

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Author's POV:

Advi woke and looked at her side to find her husband sleeping like a baby. But all she want to do now is disturb his sleep.

Without any second thought she held his nostrils together which cut his oxygen made him jerk up.

" Who the heck did that?" Yelled Awan.

Advi raised an eyebrow when Awan finally saw her.

" Why am I here and that too with you?" Advi grunted.

" Cause I brought you here and by the way, don't you remember any of the incidents happened last night?" Asked Awan seriously.

" La...last night? What happened last night?" Advi asked feebly.

Awan lost his temper and pinned her to the bed. He hated that she didn't remember any of the incident that happened last night. She don't remember that she spoke about Varun which is going to shake her dark world again.

" So you don't remember any of the thing you did last night! Ok, let me enlighten you what happened last night. You. Were. Drunk. And you made a huge drama on the road. You punched few boys to the blue and black. You made a huge drama infront of a cop. And you spoke about Va...." Awan stopped when it came to Varun. He wanna deal her with patience about this topic. His nose is flaring and his eyes red with fury. Her breath hitched listening all the rampage she caused.

" I did all this? Then why didn't you stop me?" Advi asked laying still in her position.

" I messed up everything. Was I caught in the camera?" She asked looking into his brown eyes. Those little doe eyes questioned him with innocence.

" No. Your hacker deleted the photage." He replied.

" What am I doing with you on the same bed?" Advi asked furiously.

" I got you here." Awan answered getting up from the bed.

" I know you are not going to leave me. It's better I leave and never show you my face. I'm tired of your behaviour Awan Malhotra." She yelled and opened the door.

" This time I won't do anything. Mom will handle you." Awan said glaring at the closed door.

He unplugged his mobile from the charger and dailed to Avanthi.

" Mom, she is much more stubborn than what I thought. I'm unable to handle her.  Please do something. It's your turn now." Awan said seething in anger.

He took his time to cleanse himself and do his morning routine. He cladded himself in a towel and came out of the washroom only to listen a loud shriek.

" Awan.... Awan...." Advi came to him yelling.

He opened his door and waited for her and she ran to his embrace sobbing.

" Shh.... Shhh.... What happened Doll? Why are you so tensed and why are your eyes filled with tears?" Awan asked cupping her cheeks.

" Awan, please let's go to India. It's urgent. Come let's go." She said shaking badly and the tears out of her eyes. Her little lips were shaking very badly as if she is going through so much agony.

Awan is totally scared with what his mom have done during the time he took the bath.

" Avanthi auu....aun..aunty ....." She tried to say but nothing is coming out of her mouth even if she is trying to say. She again tried to say but failed again. Advi is breathing heavily and crying at the same time making her unable to speak anything.

" What happened to Mom?" Awan asked panicked with his Doll's situation but not with his Mom's. He very well know that it's his mom's plan but don't know to which extent she have gone that his Doll is not even able to speak.

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