Lie To Me-Chapter 154

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"Stay the hell away from me, Harry..." I looked up at him as he entered the kitchen, giving him the meanest look I could muster with tear-soaked cheeks.

"Riley, it's not what you think." He took a step toward me, halting when my glare deepened. "I wasn't... I mean, it wasn't..."

I almost laughed at his attempt to work his way out of this, but there was nothing he could say, no elaborate story he could give that would erase the image of them kissing from my mind.

I stood up, giving Max what would likely be my last kiss on his furry little head, and placed him back in his pen. Turning to face Harry, I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"So, then what was it? Was she choking? Did she suddenly come down with a strange mouth disease that would only be cured by a kiss from you? No, wait... I got one. A poisonous snake was slithering by on the bar, and bit her lip, so you were trying to suck the venom out. Was that what it was?" Swiping at my cheeks, I finally let myself laugh. It wasn't a joyous laugh, or a laugh of hilarity, but a mean one, ripe with anger and spite.

"No! Look, what I'm trying to say is..."


At the sound of Bree's voice, I nearly lost all control. How dare she! How dare she have the fucking gall to show up here, now!

Coming through the entryway, she didn't have the decency Harry'd had to keep a safe distance from me. No, she just kept coming closer, in effect poking a raging bear...

I put my hand up in an attempt to hold her off while she was still out of reach. "Bree, I swear to God, if you come any closer to me, I'm going to tear that blonde hair of yours out by the fucking roots! Get the hell out!!" My fingers clenched.

"But... I..." She halted in mid-step. "Riley, I'm your best friend. Please. We've been friends forever..."

I laughed again, sounding even more insane than before. "You and I, best friends?!? Ha!! You are nothing more than a stupid fucking whore, slutting your way into getting whatever you want. We aren't friends, Bree. Not anymore. Not by a long shot. I'm done with you. I'm done with cleaning up your messes; I'm done with putting up with your selfish, self-centered behavior; and above all else, I am done with your fake friendship."

Tears welled in her eyes as her mouth fell open. Normally, to see that, to know how much pain she was in, would tear me apart. But I was numb now, and I didn't feel a single drop of empathy...


"Don't you DARE say my name like that! I'm not some child that's overreacting. I'm not some weakling that's going to bend to your will. You fucked up, Bree. You fucked up for the last damn time." I paused for a moment, thinking about it. "But, then again, that doesn't even matter to you, does it? You got what you wanted, right?!? That's what matters. So, here he is," I gestured to Harry, "Your...prize. And you can have him. Cause Lord knows, I'm done with him, too."

More determined than ever to pack up my things and get as far away as possible, I moved past them both before either could respond, not so gently pushing Bree out of the way when she took a step closer to me. "I said, stay the FUCK away from me!"

I hadn't gotten no more than two feet down the hall when I heard the arguing start, and paused in morbid curiosity.

Harry sighed. "Bree, I told you not to come back here. We had a deal. I passed your stupid test. Now leave."

Her shocked intake of breath almost made me laugh. The stupid bitch.

"I can't leave now! This wasn't supposed to happen, Harry! She wasn't supposed to find out! And now she hates me...hates us! We have to try to fix this!"

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