Lie To Me-Chapter 124 (X)

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Harry was insatiable...taking me to heights I didn't know existed. Twice before we'd even left the bedroom. It was as if something had been renewed inside him, some sort of inner sex god reawakened after years of sleep.

Not that Harry wasn't passionate every time we'd made love; he'd always been, but something was definitely different now. I just couldn't figure out what. And although I really did feel bad for taking so long to get back to Bree's early morning text, I wasn't about to complain. With the way things had been last night...all of yesterday, really...I'd begun to wonder about us.

But, it seemed as though we were very much back on track. At the bedroom. And apparently the kitchen, too. After I'd come back from taking Max on a walk, I found Harry strutting around, completely naked, and beyond ready for more...

"Harry!" I burst into laughter at the sight of his little white butt dancing around the kitchen to an old 80s rock classic. Scooping Max into my arms to shield him from the display in front of us, I laughed even harder. "What on earth are you doing?!?"

He spun around, a wide smile on his face as he continued to dance like an idiot, making his way toward me and our excited puppy. "It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, and I have a gorgeous woman by my side. What's not to be happy about?"

I raised my brow at him, even as I continued to share in his merriment. This WAS a beautiful day, and I was feeling lighter than I had in a long time... "Still! There are children around!" I gestured to Max, "And what would you have done if I hadn't been alone right now? If I'd had Bree with me? Huh?"

He wrapped his arms around the both of us, laughing as Max tried to bite at the curls framing his face. "Ahh, it's just Max. He's a boy; he knows how it is. Don't you, Max?"

I laughed as my favorite thing on four legs jumped into the arms of my favorite thing on two. "Uh huh... And if I'd had someone else with me?"

Holding Max with one arm, Harry pulled me in tight with the other, nuzzling against my cheek. "Bree's supposed to be in meetings until three, and she's not supposed to get here until after five. So that means I still have you all to myself for a few more hours..."

Finally convincing Harry to at least put on a pair of boxers, the three of us got to work on getting the house ready for our guest. Well, the two of us... Max spent most of his time playing with very things we were trying to work on, ultimately making our jobs that much harder.

In all honesty though, I was the one really struggling with focusing on what needed to be done... Having Harry there, working alongside me, teasing me, and playing around in nothing but a pair of white boxers? It was a whole new level of torture...

Especially with his inability to keep his hands to himself. As I was moving the guest bedroom sheets over from the washer to the dryer, since Harry refused to let Bree sleep in "my" room, he'd come up behind me, hooking his arms around mine, forcing me against him.

"Seeing you doing laundry makes me think of that one morning I'd come down to find your little lacy things hanging all over the room..." He pressed a wet kiss to the indent between my neck and shoulder. "Just imagining those strips of fabric, so delicate, so soft, gently hugging your curves... I nearly died that morning."

I giggled back at him, even with my body heating faster than a pot of water on the stove. "That was the point. I wanted you thinking about that..."

"Oh, I was, Riley... Hell, I still am."

I swore he was trying to kill me...

But the worst...distraction hit when we were making the bed in the guest room. Bree was going to arrive in a little over an hour, and we were trying to finish up with enough time to shower and dress for dinner before she got there.

Harry had tripped over his own feet while trying to tuck in his side of the fitted sheet, and in the process knocked down the little curtain that hung up over the headboard.

I busted out laughing, "You are officially fired from doing housework." Climbing onto the bed, I made my way toward him. "How on earth did you manage this?!?"

Laughing along with me, he attempted to get to the fallen fabric. "I swear these things hate me. I don't even... Ugh... Do anything... Dammit... Riley, can you reach it? I can't get to it this way..."

I shook my head at him, my adorable idiot, and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "What would you do without me?"

"Hire a maid?"

His laughter filled the room as I scoffed and flicked him off, twisting myself around to get my arm between the bed and the headboard.

In doing so, I'd ended up on my knees, my ass in the air, the little shorts I'd thrown on this morning stretching to accommodate my body in that position. With my fingers just brushing the edge of the fabric, I heard a groan behind me.

"Harry? You okay back there?"

The bed dipped under added weight, and I felt Harry's hands teasing the bare skin on the backs of my thighs. "You're making this really hard on me right now, Riley..." I jumped as his lips pressed against the base of my spine, his fingers sliding up to grip my cheeks. "Really hard."

A shiver ran through me at the sound of his voice; rough, graveled, strained...

"Harry... Oh..."

He licked up the lower region of my spine, nudging my tank top up with his nose, and I moaned, my body instantly reacting to him.

"Harry, I need to concentrate. I've almost got it."

I felt his smirk against my skin as he scraped me with his teeth, his hands coming around the front to stroke the skin just below the waistband of my shorts. "Me too..."

My stomach hollowed out. "Harry..."


And then he was there, his fingers teasing along my slit, spreading the wetness that had already begun to seep from my core.

My head fell against the mattress as he flicked my clit; once, twice. "Fuck..."

"In a minute, baby..." I could feel his breath on my skin as he continued to nuzzle me, using his lips, his teeth, his tongue... I could feel his desire pressing against my ass, hard and hot... All the while his fingers continued playing me, strumming my clit like a damn guitar, pausing only to gather more moisture, and then starting all over again.

Forgetting the task altogether, I grasped onto the mattress, holding on for dear life, panting as my body shook beneath him. "Harry... Oh, God..."

"Fuck it... I need to see you." Leaving my throbbing core behind, he grabbed onto my hips and flipped me, my body bouncing against the bed as I shrieked in surprise.


"Much better..." He made quick work of removing my clothes, tossing them somewhere off the side of the bed before coming down over me, his hands caressing my sides.

"You know I love to watch you, Riley... Seeing the pleasure cross your face when you're close... Watching you come apart..." My back arched as he once again found my aching nub, freely playing with me now that there was nothing inhibiting his movements.

"Harry... Jesus Christ... Oh my God, we have to stop this..."

"I know... We just don't have time right now..." I felt a single digit teasing around my hole as he smirked down at me.

"Oh, God... Harry, stop... Bree's going to be here soon..."

He pressed in, curling his finger deep inside me, slowly pumping his hand. "Yes, she is... So soon... Maybe I should stop."

Another finger was added to the first, and I bit down on my lip to keep from crying out. "Is that what you want, Riley? You want me to stop? Come on, baby... Tell me what you want..."

My legs shook.

My body trembled.

My heart raced.

And I broke.

"No, Harry! Don't stop! Oh, God... Don't ever stop!"

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