Lie To Me-Chapter 36

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As I made my way downstairs for breakfast, I heard the washer running. That could only mean one thing. Harry had been in the laundry room... He'd seen it... All of it...

Though excitement ran through me at the thought of him looking at all of the sexy little items I'd bought yesterday, it was marred with embarrassment. He'd seen my underwear... He'd know that at any given time, I could be wearing those items under my clothes... Would he wonder if I was? Would he imagine me in them? And wasn't that the point?

Either way, I had to fight the heat wanting to fill my cheeks as I entered the kitchen. Especially when he looked up, a knowing smirk on his face.

"Good morning, Harry." I tried to be as nonchalant as possible, but failed miserably as my voice shook. His smirk only deepened.

"Good morning to you too. And by the way, I love what you did to the laundry room. I think all that stuff decorates it quite nicely..."

I could hear the laughter laced in his words, and nearly flicked him off as I went to get a bowl.

"Good. I'm glad you like it. Gemma was a big help in picking that stuff out. She even got a few sets herself."

I heard his groan, and laughed at the pained look on his face when I turned around.

"Riley!!! Ugh!! I don't want to picture my sister wearing that stuff!! That's gross!!!"

Sitting across from him, I giggled again as I reached for the cereal. "So it's okay to picture me in it, but not your sister?"

His jaw dropped. "That's... I mean, you're... And I wasn't... Ugh..."

I bit my lip, smiling at the redness in his face as he covered it with his hands. "You're so busted..."

He attempted to ignore me and found sudden interest in his bowl, but I could still see it in his eyes... His mind was warring between coming up with a good comeback, and picturing me half-naked, with just a little lace as coverage.

Good... The plan was working...

After a few moments of silence, he finally looked up at me again. "So, Louis and Liam are coming over tonight... Do you think you could make those chicken taco things again?" A cheeky smile split his lips, making me laugh.

"They're Chicken Taquitos. And why do I have to cook? What am I, your wife?"

"Yeah, pretty much... Come on, Honey!!! Please?? I'll rub your feet..."

Choosing to ignore the comfortable way he'd said that, and the rush I got from hearing it, I shook my head at him. "We both know you won't. But since the boys are coming over, I think I can bring myself to whip up a little something..."

He blew me a kiss as I got up from the table, laughing as I rolled my eyes. "Thank you! And I love you!!"

Walking toward the door, I waved him off. "Yeah, yeah, yeah... You're lucky I love you too." And with that, I was out the door, a smile already peaking out from between my lips...

Thanks to Harry, and our much better morning, I spent the whole day smiling. We'd had good mornings before, but they never seemed to affect me quite like this. This was better. Much better... Even a few of my coworkers commented on how happy I seemed to be, and I couldn't help but wonder, is this what it was like? To really fall for someone? To...fall in love?

The question stumped me... Yes, I loved Harry, and everything that made him...Harry. And yes, I was having deeper feelings for him, bigger feelings. But, was I really falling IN love with him??

Stopping off at the store on my way home, I picked up the stuff I needed for dinner, along with a case of beer. The boys would surely enjoy that. I also got a few items to make some homemade chocolate chip cookies.

Hey, if I was going to play the role of "the wife", I was going to go all out.

Hello my lovelies!!! So, I first off want to thank you all SO much for reading Lie To Me!!! Over four thousand reads!!! I'm speechless!!! But, I wanted to pose a question to all of you. The last couple chapters have been a little shorter, but it allows me to post more often. So, which would you prefer? Shorter chapters with more updates? Or longer chapters, with less updates? What do you think? Please comment, and let me know!! I'd love to talk to all of you!!!

Thank you again!!! ❤️

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