Lie To Me-Chapter 164

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Opening my eyes, the first thing I noticed was the smooth, yet firm pillow beneath my head...and the arm that was wrapped around me, holding me tight. In an instant, it all came flooding back. Me, coming to stay at Ed's house. Harry, showing up uninvited. And us...making love as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had ended.

Harry's words still played in my head, over and over again. "I love you. I love you."

Tears came to my eyes. God, it had been so hard to not say it back to him. It had been so hard to not say it all. To not tell him that I'd loved him forever, that I'd never stopped, that my whole "using him" ploy was just a lie, a stupid attempt to make myself feel better...

Lifting my head, I looked down at him. At the man I loved with all my heart, a gentle smile playing on my lips. His hair was mussed, curls fanning out across the pillow. His long lashes laid gently on his cheeks. He was so beautiful...

I sighed audibly, and Harry shifted in his sleep. My breath caught in my throat and I held it, instant fear rising. I wasn't quite ready to face him yet, to face what we'd done.

And as easily as it had come my smile faded, my subconscious taking Harry's place, looking at me in question. 'So?!? What now? What does this mean? Are you back together? All forgiven, just like that?'

A part of me was screaming yes, listing the many reasons why we were so perfect together, focusing on the laughter, the smiles, the sparkle in his eyes that always caused a little hitch in my even breathing. But, another part of me...the part that could still see the image of him and Bree kissing, his hands holding her face in place just like he'd done to mine...wasn't so certain.

Trying to shake off the knowing glare my subconscious was tossing my way, I gently detangled myself, escaping the warmth of his arms.

I searched for my clothes. Maybe I could go for a walk. Some fresh air might help me gain a better perspective on everything, help me come to some sort of conclusion in all this. I just needed a moment to think, to clear my head, to work through the chaos raging inside me.

Silently dressing, I turned to take one last look at my personal sleeping beauty. "Oh, Harry... What are we going to do?"

Taking a deep, shuddered breath, I turned toward the door. But, just as I stepped closer to the momentary freedom I so badly needed, a muffled chime caught my attention.

I stood still for a moment, wondering what was making that noise. The chime started again, coming from a pile of discarded clothes on the floor.

His phone.

Reaching down, I rummaged through his pants, quickly finding the mobile device where it was wedged half in and half out of his back pocket. I glanced at the caller ID, assuming I'd recognize the name instantly, but all it said was 'B'.

My brows furrowed. Who the hell was that? Thinking back to the thousands of times I'd answered Harry's phone, or gone in to search for a number, I came up empty. I'd seen nearly all of his contacts. But, I'd never once seen 'B'.

Swiping the button to connect, I brought the phone to my ear. "Hel..."

"Hey, Har... It's me. How's it going? Have you talked to Riley yet? Worked everything out?"

The bottom dropped out from my stomach, instant recognition of that voice making me want to vomit.

B... Bree... They were still talking. Enough to the point where he'd had her number saved in his phone. Hell, that stupid "B" shit was probably a damned pet name or something!

Ice burned in my veins. Jesus, how stupid could I be?!? I should have known they were still in cahoots with each other. I should have known this whole thing was going to turn into a giant mistake. I should have known...

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