Lie To Me-Chapter 47

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(Harry's POV)

This was the longest damn game of my entire life. All I wanted was to end it, kick my friends out of my house, and wrap myself up in Riley...

I'd nearly done just that in the damn closet back there... The way she'd shuddered, the way her breathing caught, the soft moans she made as we rocked against each other. Shit, just thinking about it made me ache for her... I don't think I'll ever be able to enter that closet again without getting hard...

I heard Riley giggle at something Liam said, and willed my body to wait. Just a few more minutes, and she'd be all mine...

Thankfully, two of the three final dares had actually been for Liam, so he didn't have to do much more than read them. Then the last was another drinking dare, this time between Louis, Riley, and myself. Hmm... It didn't take a genius to figure out who'd written that one...

This one was different from the first, though, because it only involved a single shot for each of us. We were made to kneel in a line behind the coffee table. In front of each of us, Liam placed down a shot glass, pouring alcohol in until it danced along the rims.

"Okay, the dare here is for each of you to take this shot, not using your hands... The one that makes less of a mess is the winner. Got it?"

We nodded together, until Riley spoke up, her sweet voice sending the alcohol straight to my dick, before I'd even consumed it... "Wait. Are we doing this at the same time? Or one by one?"

Liam thought it over. "I guess one by one?"

Riley smiled at his answer, "Okay. I'd like to go last then." I can't say how I knew, but with the look on her face, that girl was definitely up to something...

Louis went first, trying to go slow and avoid spilling the drink, only to pour half of it down the front of his shirt. I went next. I figured since the slow approach didn't work, I'd just go fast, toss it back real quick, and then I'd be done. Yeah... That didn't work too well. Not only did I still dribble alcohol down my chin, but I also got it up my nose, and damn near in my eye!! So much for the fast approach...

When it was finally Riley's turn, she shot me a look of pure heat as she bent down to take her shot. Every dirty vision known to man popped in my head as she bent, her hands locked behind her back, her mouth open wide, her tongue coming out to taste it before taking the glass between her lips...

God, help me...

Moving her tongue into the glass, Riley slurped at the alcohol while stretching her mouth wide around the edges.


Then, with her eyes still on mine, she tilted her head back taking the shot with her, using her tongue as an anchor to keep everything sealed together while her cheeks hollowed out.

Oh, fuck...

She swallowed the whole damn thing in one gulp, and I nearly exploded in my pants. Not one drop escaped her lips, yet she licked them after putting the glass back on the table, her eyes fluttering closed.

Fuck me...

"Damn, Riley... That was... Hot." My eyes shot to Liam as he watched her with surprised interest. Oh, hell no... He was not going to be looking at MY Riley like that!! "Excuse me, Liam, but don't you have a GIRLFRIEND you need to be getting back to?"

All eyes turned to me as my jealousy spat out of my mouth. ...And then they all started laughing. Louis was the loudest, his laughter ringing in my ears. "Oh, man, you've got it bad..." He stood up, gathering up everything to start clearing the table. "I'm going to take this as our cue to leave, before we're witness to something we don't want to see... Come on, Liam."

Looking to Riley, I watched her cheeks tint as she bit her lip, unable to meet my gaze. God help me, she was adorable. Sexy and bold, sweet and timid... Every facet of her was a massive turn-on. Why the hell hadn't I seen this before?

As we cleaned up everything, putting the living room back together, the boys gathered up their stuff to say goodbye. My eyes never left Liam as he went in to hug Riley.

"You know I didn't mean any disrespect back there, right? I was just... I mean, that was pretty hot."

She giggled at him, "Don't worry about it. It was meant to be..." She glanced at me, " But, no offense or disrespect taken. Tell Sophia I said hello, and she owes me a lunch date one of these days." Quickly kissing him on the cheek, she turned to Louis, "Trouble..." He laughed as he wrapped her up in his arms. "I should be calling you the same thing, love..."

They talked for a moment as Liam and I said our goodbyes. Then Louis came over for a hug from me, whispering in my ear to behave myself, though we both knew I wouldn't... We shared a laugh as I subtly shooed them toward the door.

God, those two were slow... They moved like molasses, inching their way out, still conversing with Riley like a group of old women.

Pulling the door wide open, I stood there, waiting not so patiently as the three of them talked about planning out a girl's day for their girlfriends.

"Okay, so it was great seeing you!! Have a good one!!"

The conversation stopped at my loud interruption, three pairs of eyes looking from me to the open door I stood next to. With laughter, they promised to have the girls call Riley and set something up, and finally, gloriously, walked through the door.

Shutting, and locking it behind them, I took a deep breath, my body already humming with electricity. All I needed now was a spark...

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