Lie To Me-Chapter 69

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(Harry's POV)

Life was perfect...

It didn't matter that we'd been in the club, doing things that could likely get us both arrested. It didn't matter that after she'd cum, Riley had run for the bathroom, concerned about messing her dress. It didn't matter that I was left here, sitting in the dark by myself with a raging hard-on... Every time Riley gave herself to me, it was like a window to heaven.

I smiled to myself as I lounged on a couch closer to the dance floor, awaiting her return. I was happy. Happier than I'd ever felt in my life. Thoughts of Riley held beneath me filled my mind, the emotion and love in her eyes as she came apart in my hands, only making me smile wider. I loved her, every perfect inch of her curved body, every delicate touch of her hands, every angelic sound that emerged from her sweet lips.

Shaking me from my thoughts, I jumped as a body landed on the couch beside me.

"Boy, those girls wear me out! Is this really how you all party over here?!?" Bree fanned herself, reaching for a glass I hadn't noticed on the table.

I laughed, looking over at her. "Not used to all this, huh?"

She shook her head after guzzling down nearly half of whatever drink she'd apparently grabbed on the way back to our section. "I mean, I'm the queen of going out back home. WAY more of a party girl than Riley, that's for sure... But, Eleanor and Gemma?!? They can go all night!!"

I looked toward the bathrooms, laughing to myself. Little did she know, so could Riley...

"Speaking of my best friend, where is the birthday girl?"

"She's in the ladies'. But, she should be back soon."

"I'm actually glad she's not here. I wanted to talk to you."

The memory of her mouthed demand back at dinner replayed in my mind. "Sure, Bree. What do you need to talk about?"

"Riley, of course. I want to make sure you're not just playing with her here." She ignored my attempts to interrupt.

"Riley isn't used to all of this. She's a simple girl, with simple wants and needs."

I looked at her. Did she not know who she was talking about? Riley was far from simple! She was a complex, beautiful creature who challenged me daily. And although she did prefer the more basic things in life, scoffing at the superficial stuff the world seemed obsessed with, I would hardly label that as being "simple." But, I stayed quiet, letting her continue.

"The two of you really can't be more different than night and day..." She laughed to herself, a sound that was admittedly becoming a bit irritating as it drug on. "Your type always seems to go for a more outgoing person. Somebody that loves the celebrity as much as you do."

"Wait a minute..." Love my celebrity?!? I again attempted to interrupt, but that only seemed to make her louder.

"I just don't want her to get hurt when your 'playtime' is over... Riley is a timid person, always quiet, reserved. Honestly, she would be best suited with someone who is reliable, consistent, steady. That's just not you. Your lifestyle would only cause her pain in the end, and I don't like that thought. I've read about you, Harry. I know your type..."

She paused, and I swear I could feel the heat of frustration and anger washing over me.

"So, just think about what you're doing to her with this whole 'more than friends' thing you guys seem to have going on. She's going to fall in love with you, and when you drop her like a hot potato for some slinky model, it's going to break her heart."

I was dumbfounded...mute. In all of what she'd said, so many things were wrong, and completely off base. I would NEVER leave Riley for some model. Yes, I did have model friends, and yes, my history with women wasn't the best... But, I'd never been in love before...

However, no matter what she'd said or assumed about me, what bothered me the most was how she'd described Riley. She didn't really know her at all, did she? Riley wasn't some porcelain doll that had to be handled carefully. She wasn't some brainless idiot that would just walk into a situation without knowing what was going on. She was a confident, smart, and strong woman. Someone to be admired, for her kindness and giving heart. The fact that she loved so openly, only made her a better person; it did not weaken her.

"Just how well do you think you know Riley?" I asked in confusion. "You don't seem to know her at all..."

Looking back on it, I probably shouldn't have said anything, but I just couldn't fathom how this girl could claim to be Riley's best friend... Hell, even Niall knew Riley better than she did!!

"Excuse me?!?"

Her defenses were up. I could hear it in her voice, and see it in the look on her face.

Tread lightly here, Harry... Pissing off Riley's best friend isn't going to get you any closer to spending forever with her...

I nodded at my subconscious in understanding. "Well, it's just... They way you talk about her... It just doesn't sound like the Riley I know and love..."

The point I'd attempted to make in my cordial observation went right over her head as she turned to face me.

"And just what the hell does THAT mean?!? You think you know her better than me?!? After what, a couple years?!? I've been best friends with her for a hell of a lot longer than that!!"

My patience with this argumentative, and obviously half drunk woman was pulling thin... Very thin... And yet, I still attempted to keep my response calm.

"The one good thing about my 'lifestyle,' as you so nicely put it, is that you learn how to read people fairly quickly. You're able to see them for who they are a little sooner than some others might. And of course, it also helps when you live with that person..."

Bree crossed her arms, "Okay, fine. You think you know everything?!? Tell me something I'm wrong about. Prove to me that you know Riley better than me."

I took a deep breath to calm myself, once again looking toward the bathrooms. What was taking her so long?!?

"Well, I'll start off with something basic. You said that Riley was quiet, reserved, and I will admit that she CAN be. But, although she may be quiet sometimes, there are only three instances in which she gets that way..." There were actually four, but I wasn't about to share The way Riley always held her breath for a second before she'd come apart in my arms...

That was my little secret...

"One, she's quiet around new people, when she's feeling nervous and unsure of herself. Two, she gets quiet when she's thinking, working things out in her mind. And three, when she's mad. If you're having an argument with Riley and she suddenly gets quiet after you say something, you're in BIG trouble...

But aside from that, Riley is just as loud as the rest of us. Especially around Gemma. The two of them get going, and no matter what you do, you can't shut them up..." I couldn't help but laugh at the many memories I had of being quickly forgotten once they would get started on an interesting topic.

Bree just sat there, an irritated look on her face as realization hit. Although they may have been best friends, who knew everything about each other growing up, a lot had changed since then... Riley had changed.

Trying to be a gentlemen, despite my desire to jump around in victory, I gave Bree a quick pat on the back. "Hey... Although things may have changed between you, Riley still loves you with everything she has. Why do you think I invited you to come? I knew it would make her happy..."

"Make who happy?"

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