Lie To Me-Chapter 85

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Harry had been so surprised, so happy that I'd agreed to go with him to L.A. tomorrow night, instead of waiting until Monday. He'd nearly bounced up the stairs, dragging me along, and I made a silent vow to myself to do whatever I could to keep that smile on his face.

Stopping as he reached his doorway, he turned toward me. "Don't pack too much. I have some clothes at the house for you, and we'll probably go shopping while we're there too."

I was taken back. "Wait... You have clothes for me? At your house?"

A blush crept over his cheeks and he looked down, suddenly finding the floor quite interesting.

"Well, yeah... I had them make the bedroom across from mine into your room, and I... Well, I wanted you to feel at home there, so I picked up a few things."

My heart skipped a beat. How was it possible for this man to be so sweet, so caring, so concerned for everyone around him?!?

Stepping closer, I reached out for him, cupping his cheek and lifting his head. "Harry... You're amazing, you know that?"

He smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist. "And here I was thinking you were the amazing one..." Harry pressed a quick, but soft kiss to my lips before backing away and shooing me toward my bedroom. With a smack to my ass, he ran into his room, his laughter echoing down the hallway.

"You're going to pay for that, Styles!!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Now, go pack!!"

Shaking my head as I entered my own room, I headed for the closet and pulled down my seldom-used suitcase. Unzipping it, I set it on my bed, the emptiness calling out to me.

What does one pack for a week in L.A. with Harry?

Heading back to my closet, I searched my options. First thing, bathing suits... Harry's new home came equipped with a fairly impressive in-ground swimming pool, and I was surely going to spend as much time in it as possible. I's a pool! Who wouldn't want to stay in it all week?!?

I grabbed both of my options, and quickly stuck them in the suitcase. Following my swimwear, I packed nearly all of the lingerie Gemma had helped me get, back when I was trying to "seduce" Harry. I bit my lip at the thoughts of wearing those items for him, even if it was just to have him rip them off of me...

That thought of course led to others, and my mind trailed to Harry's demand this morning. He wanted me wearing his clothes on this trip. With a growing smile, I left my bedroom, my suitcase barely touched, and headed back to his room.

As I walked through the open doorway, his head lifted from where he'd been putting his infamous yellow swim trunks into a duffle bag. Ahh, those yellow trunks... The girls on Instagram and Twitter still talked about those little things, still shared the many pictures. I had half a mind to snap a quick photo with my phone to share with the world that the yellow trunks were indeed...back. But, at Harry's raised eyebrows, I decided not to. Besides, the girls would much rather get a shot of him IN them...

"Are you all ready?!?"

I snorted at his look of surprise. "No way... I just needed to get a few things."

Walking over to his closet, I felt his eyes on me, watching my every move. I kept my movements measured, giving him time, waiting for the moment he'd realize why I was currently "shopping" his closet for something to pack.

Finding a nearly sheer, black, button down shirt, I turned toward him. "What do you think about this one?"


My lips curved into a smile. Looks like I'd have to help him out a little...

"You did say I was to wear your clothes on this trip,did you not?"

He swallowed audibly, his eyes trailing from my face, to the shirt in my hands, and back again. "Um... Yes. Yes, I did."

I removed the shirt from it's hanger, placing it over my arm as I continued to search for more. "Okay, then... What next... Hmm..."

From the corner of my eye, I watched Harry approach me slowly, his grin growing as he chewed his bottom lip, leaving no doubt to the thoughts consuming his mind.

But, instead of coming at me, like I'd expected, he passed by, going for a dresser at the back of his closet.

I stopped to watch as he bent down, opening the bottom drawer, my curiosity causing me to lean closer. What was he doing?

"Ah, here it is!" Pushing the drawer closed, he stood and turned to face me. "I want you to wear this too."

Holding out his hand, he dropped a soft, folded, green shirt into my arms. Confused, I quickly unfolded it, nearly gasping at the name printed on the back of the jersey. 'Styles'.

My head shot up. "Your Packers jersey?!?"

"Yes. I want you to wear it...for me."

My mind raced at the significance of him handing me this shirt. Not only was it one of his most prized possessions, but in this shirt, I would literally be wearing his last name...

The hopeless romantic inside envisioned a future between us...weekends with Harry, watching the game, his jersey hanging from my shoulders as we curled up on the couch together. Images of a ring on my finger, him teasingly calling me "Mrs. Styles," small curly-haired children running around the house, all filtered in and out of my brain. It was heavenly...

"I do."

I watched in horror as Harry's forehead crinkled in response to my sighed words. "Huh? You do what?"

Panic enveloped my body. Did I really just say that?!? Did I really just say yes to a proposal that wasn't even offered to me?!? What the hell was I thinking?!? Based on the confused look on his face, it was obvious that the offering of his shirt clearly held more meaning to me than it did him...

Doing my best to fix what my muddled, love-crazed brain had concocted, I let out a strained laugh. "I mean, I will. I'll wear it."

Harry seemed to buy my attempted cover, but I couldn't stop the internal freak out that was bathing my system. Why the hell did I have to go there?!? Why the hell did I have to picture marriage, and a family with him?!? A future I'd never really considered before!!

Was that what I really wanted with Harry? Was that my hoped outcome of our current arrangement?

Embarrassed, confused, and more than a little scared, I turned away from him. "Okay, thanks. I gotta go finish packing."

His hand on my arm halted my escape. "Are you okay, Riley?"

With another strange laugh breaking in my throat, I nodded my head, lying my ass off in the process...

"Yep! I'm great! I just need to finish packing, so we can get some sleep. Tomorrow morning is gonna be here fast..."

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