Lie To Me-Chapter 137

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The ride home, which I'd expected to be filled with laughter, teasing, and whispering naughty promises to each other was instead marred with a tense silence.

Even after we'd gotten back to the house, we barely spoke. Harry told me he was going to put everything away, and take a shower, and I informed him that I was going to take Max for a short walk. That was it. No soft kisses to my head. No sweet looks. No...nothing.

Walking Max along the side of the street, I wondered at how everything had gone wrong so fast. The whole day had been perfect, and then BAM! In the blink of an eye, it had all turned to shit...

I just couldn't understand why he'd freaked out like that. Yeah, Harry could be nosy and impatient at times, but that was usually reserved for surprises, and gifts, and things like that. And even then, his response was always to tickle and tease it out of me, or beg until I gave in and told him.

But this time he'd seemed nervous and almost...scared. That threw me more than anything. What the hell could Bree have to say that would possibly scare him? Most likely, whatever it was, it wouldn't have to do with him at all!

Praising Max for doing his "business" like a good boy, we headed back to the house, my mind going over the possibilities.

Maybe I missed something. Maybe something had happened between them. Harry had been up before me this morning, so maybe she'd said something to him to make him think the worst, to make him think that he had something to fear, something to worry about.

Maybe... But, what?

(Harry's POV)

I really needed to learn how to stop being an idiot...

Stepping into the shower, I shook my head, kicking my ass once again for how I'd behaved at the golf course. All Riley had said was that Bree wanted to talk to us. She hadn't mentioned anything in particular, hadn't given any indication that it had something to do with last night, and yet I automatically thought the worst.

But, after seeing Riley go through so much pain and anguish over that damn video, and then getting her back to normal today, seeing her smile, hearing her laughter... I didn't want to lose that all over again.

'You already did, dumbass.' My subconscious glared at me, the jerk.

I shook my head again as I turned on the faucet, waiting for the water to heat up. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right... I'd snapped at Riley, demanded to know what was going on, and talked bad about her best friend all in a matter of seconds. I'd had her right where I wanted her. Her eyes fluttered closed, her breaths soft and shallow, her mind struggling to concentrate... and I'd ruined it all.

All because I was scared of Bree and her big mouth...

I'd just flipped on the shower, letting the hot water fall down over me, gently pounding my head, when I heard the bathroom door open and close.

I froze for a moment, waiting, trying so hard to hear anything, any indication that Riley was still in here, praying that she hadn't just peeked in and walked away...

Seconds later, my prayers were answered when she entered the shower behind me, my eyes closing as the gentle scent of her skin surrounded me.


Before I'd even turned to face her, a pair of small arms wrapped around me from behind, crossing over the butterfly tattooed on my skin. Her cheek gently resting against my back. "I'm sorry, Harry. I..."

What?!? Why was she sorry?

"Riley, no." I turned around, interrupting her, forcing her to break her hold. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who freaked out on you, snapped at you... I should have never done that, and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, baby..."

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