Lie To Me-Chapter 59

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Waking up Friday morning, I curled closer toward Harry, seeking the warmth of his body, his touch. But, instead, all I found there were cool sheets.

He was gone... And from the look of things, he'd been gone a while.

Sitting up, I looked to the alarm on his nightstand to see what time it was. There, in front of Harry's clock was a folded sheet of paper with my name written on the side. I smiled and reached for it, bringing it to my lap as I got comfortable.


Good morning, beautiful. As much as it pains me to leave you here in bed, I have an early appointment this morning, so I must be going. I'll be thinking of you...

Have a wonderful day, and I'll see you tonight when you get home.


With a goofy smile still pasted on my face, I folded the note back up, and left the softness of Harry's bed to get ready for work. Today was the day. My last day of work before my vacation, the dinner with Harry's family, and the first time I'd be wearing that slinky red dress Gemma had helped me pick out.

Maybe it was the excitement of my coming vacation, or maybe it was the nervousness over the dress I'd be wearing at dinner and Harry's reaction to the dress, but for whatever reason the day seemed to fly by. Before I knew it, I was gathering my things to head home.

"Have a great weekend, and an amazing vacation, Riley!" Alyssa smiled and waved as she practically ran from her office. If there was anyone who loved quitting time more than I did, it was Alyssa. Laughing at her, I waved back, yelling out my own goodbye, and wishes for a good weekend.

Two minutes later, I was pushing in my chair, gleefully saying goodbye to my desk for a whole nine days. As I gave a polite wave to the girls that sat near me, at least the ones I kind of liked, I headed down the hall. I could see the door. Freedom beckoned me...

"Riley, before you run out. Can I speak to you for a minute please?"

Dammit... I'd been so close...

Turning around, I walked into Derek's office, putting on the best fake smile I could manage for the man that just interrupted my escape.

"Yes, sir. What can I do for you?"

His returning smile was snarky, as if he knew exactly what he was doing, and loved every second of it...

"You made a spelling error on the paperwork for your last client today. I'm going to need you to re-type the report. Before you leave." He handed me the printed report, and I quickly looked it over. The original form was fine, but apparently I'd left off a letter in one of the words in my notes.

Was he kidding?!? He expected me to retype the whole thing for that?!?

"As I'm sure you know, Alyssa has already looked over, and approved all of my reports today, including this one. They've already been sent and everything, so there's not much I can do to fix this small error, and I have important plans I must be getting to... I'm sure you understand. Have a good weekend, sir"

"Are you refusing to complete your work?"

His beady little eyes stared at me as I struggled to keep my composure. What the hell kind of game was he playing?!?

"No, sir. My work is complete, and has been submitted for billing. If there are any issues there, they can take it up with my temporary replacement Monday morning. Now, I'm sorry but I really do have to go. Have a good night."

As I turned to leave his office, I heard his final warning. "You know, Riley, if you're not willing to work, there's always more people who are..."

Heading to the elevator, shaking my head at the whole situation, I tried to remember what Alyssa had said. My job is safe... My job is safe...

But, just to be sure, after saying my goodbyes to Aaron, I texted Alyssa on my way to my car and asked if she thought I should go back up. Her response was quite simple, yet very effective.

Riley, if you step foot back in that office, you're fired. Get out while you can, and don't even THINK about that place for nine days, you hear me?!?

Smiling, I nodded as I climbed into my SUV. I heard her loud and clear, and for the thousandth time already this year, I thanked God that I'd lucked out with having Alyssa for a boss...

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