Lie To Me-Chapter 18

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(Harry's POV)

I'm an idiot. A complete idiot... What kind of person has a dream, especially one of THOSE dreams about his best friend?!?

I hadn't lied to Riley about getting no sleep. After I'd woken up on my floor this morning, I couldn't allow myself to fall back to sleep. I couldn't allow my mind to go back there... Having her touching me, her soft fingers against my skin... Her warm mouth...

No. No! I had to stop this!! I had to stop going there!! Asleep, or awake, the images were burned into my brain, and no matter what I did to pass the time, I couldn't stop them from resurfacing...

And then she'd come into the kitchen in my sweatshirt... MY sweatshirt!! Looking way too familiar, that damn giggle nearly killing me as she teased... I knew it wasn't her fault. Riley was just being Riley... But, the teasing about her clothes, the discussion about her "acting," and then calling me out on my embarrassment?!? I couldn't take it!! I felt like the walls were closing in on me, the oxygen being slowly sucked out of the room...

She'd been faking it. Those damn moans, the sounds that still filled my ears even now, were all faked... Somehow, and I couldn't even begin to fathom why, that just served to make things worse...

I just wanted things to go back to normal. I wanted to be able to look at her without seeing her lips wrapped around me... I wanted to hear her say my name without it being followed by the haunting moan of a woman on the brink of orgasm...

It was just a dream, dammit!!! People dream things for a number of reasons!! It didn't mean anything!! It didn't!!!

But, when she'd come to me, even after I'd been so rude to her, even after I'd yelled, tucking herself against me... I couldn't ignore the rapid beating of my heart, or the way my breath caught as her scent filled my senses. For a moment, I didn't trust myself to touch her, fearful that I'd do something I'd regret. It wasn't until her soft concerned voice called out to me that I realized what I was doing...

I may have known what happened last night. I may be able to recall every single moment of my dream like the scenes from my favorite movies. But, she couldn't. She didn't know. She didn't understand the battle that had been raging inside me all morning. She didn't get why I was so agitated, angry, and sleep deprived.

With a sigh, I finally allowed myself to touch her, to bring my arms around her in a soft embrace.

"Can we just forget about last night? Please?"

Pulling back just enough to look up at me, she nodded, her soft smile looking misplaced against the concern in her eyes. "Sure, Harry... And... I really am sorry..."

I didn't have the heart, or maybe it was the guts, to tell her that it wasn't her fault, that none of this was her fault... That I wasn't angry with her, I was angry with myself... So instead of doing what I probably should have done, and just come clean, I let it go, let her go on thinking she had done something wrong...

Like I said, I'm an idiot...

Hello my lovely readers!!!! I'm sorry that this chapter is a little short, but I'm working on Chapter 19 right now, and I'm hoping to have it completed and posted tomorrow morning!!! I'm ecstatic and so very thankful to all of you for how many reads and votes that Lie To Me is getting!!! You're all SO wonderful and I love you to bits!!!!

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