Lie To Me-Chapter 43

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I must have been dead. Or at least, dreaming... There was no way that I was actually experiencing this overwhelming passion, this heat ...from Harry!!

He'd seemed so reluctant, so unsure at first, but then he'd grabbed me, literally taking my breath away.

God only knows how I'd been able to stay upright, cause the second his lips hit mine, I was a melted puddle of female hormones, burning, and needy... And, here I'd thought the other kiss had been good. Ha!

I knew we had an audience, that we weren't alone. I could hear Liam counting. But, I'll be damned, I did not care... Not one single thought beyond what was happening between Harry and I at that moment was able to break through the haze he'd put me in.

It all happened so fast, and yet it felt as if time was moving in slow motion. His lips on mine, his body held tight against me... And before I was even remotely ready for it to end, I felt Harry pulling away, letting go of the grip he'd had on me, leaving my mouth swollen, my body wanting...

Panic surged through my system, thoughts flying in and out of my mind. He was backing away. He didn't want this...didn't want me... Here I was, clinging to him, making a complete fool out of myself, and he was probably regretting the whole thing. Just like last time...

Letting him pull away completely, I swallowed the overwhelming sense of rejection, hid the shudder of cold that invaded my entire being. For a moment, I'd had a fleeting thought that maybe, just maybe there was a glimmer of something between us. A chance, a possibility that he'd felt the same way I did.

But, that was stupid... I was behaving just like every other girl out there, holding onto hope, holding onto a dream, holding onto a tiny little "cosmic" sign that we were meant to be more than this... More than just friends... But, we weren't. And damn if that didn't have me reaching for the liquor bottle for another shot.

Ignoring my shaky breaths, and avoiding Harry's gaze, I turned to Louis and Liam. "Next?"

They both remained mute as their eyes darted between the two of us.


I put up a hand at the sound of Harry's voice, my hurt, irritation, and growing anger barely contained. "Don't. I get it. It was a stupid dare. Just another mistake. So, can we just move on please?"

Liam reached back into the pile, his eyes watching Harry and I as he pulled out another dare. He read it to himself before sharing it with the group, his eyes widening before falling to the table. "Um... I'm not sure you want me to..."

"Just read it, Liam."

"Harry and Riley are dared to Seven Minutes In Heaven... They are to be locked in a closet for no more, and no less than seven full minutes."

My jaw dropped. Was he kidding?!? This had to be some kind of sick joke, right?

"Haha Liam. What does it really say?"

Louis cringed as Liam flipped the paper around, letting me read it myself. "He's not kidding... That's one of mine... Sorry, love..."

I closed my eyes and shook my head before chancing a glance at Harry. He was watching me, his eyes searching my face for something of which I didn't know. With flat lips, I looked back at him. "What...?"

"Uh... Maybe we should stop this game..."

For whatever reason, the reluctance that had been so cute the first time, only served to make me mad now. "No." I stood up. "I'm not backing down from a dare. I don't care how stupid it is. No offense, Louis."

He gave me a soft smile. "None taken. But, he's right, Riley. We don't have to keep this game going. Anytime you want to stop, it's okay."

"I'm not stopping!! Now, can we just get this over with?!?" With that, I stomped off to the hall closet, leaving the three of them to figure out the logistics, themselves...

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