Lie To Me-Chapter 104

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So there I was, more than halfway through a bottle of wine, drowning my birthday sorrows...

Sad, right?

But how was I supposed to feel? In one day I'd been left home alone, upset one of my dearest friends, possibly lost my job, and received news that my "best friend" had invited herself to stay here at the house with Harry and I this week...effectively ruining our plans.

So, in my moment of feeling sorry for myself, I did what any self-respecting girl would do... I texted my boyfriend.

In a half whine, half "in your face" attempt, I sent Harry a picture of the wine bottle I was getting closer and closer to finishing.

I didn't know if they were still working, or if they'd finished, or even if Harry had just decided to stop off for a drink at that bar he'd shown me. But, honestly, I didn't care... With the wine flowing through my veins, I wanted Harry...and I wasn't afraid to say it.

A few minutes later, long enough for me to take in more wine, Harry finally texted me back.

'Does this mean I might actually get you on my bike tonight? ;)'

I smiled down at my phone before shaking my head and grumbling at myself. Damn him and that cute little winky face!! I'd wanted to pout. I'd wanted to wallow in my misfortune. But honestly, no red-blooded woman would be able to hold onto her "pity party" after getting a text like that. No red-blooded woman would be able to think about anything other than the sexy man behind it...

A shiver ran down my spine as I pictured the smirk tilting his lips, the thick innuendo of his words mixing with the wine I'd consumed to raise my temperature a few degrees.

So...he wanted to play a little? That was fine by me.

I started typing back to him, erasing my response each time. Nothing seemed to work, to tease him enough. Until...

'Oh, you want me on your bike, huh?'

Jumping up from the couch, I nearly knocked a sleeping Max off his pillowed perch beside me, and giggled at his grumble of protest.

"Sorry, baby..."

Scooping him into my arms, I quickly got him settled in his pen and went running for the garage, not even bothering to think that I was still in my bathing suit, almost every one of my "bits" hanging out all over the place.

I quickly snapped a selfie from as far away as my arm could reach, making sure he could see that I was in fact, on his bike. Well, maybe not on it, but leaning against it. Through a wine-thick haze, I previewed the photo, figuring it was good enough on short notice, and sent it to him with the caption, 'Like this?'

I waited, my breathing heavy as I relaxed out of my pose, a smile taking over my face. Leave it to Harry to get my mind off of everything that had happened today, and turn my whole body inside out...before he'd even gotten home.

'I'm on my way home. Don't move an inch!' was all I got in response to my photo, but it didn't stop my thoughts from responding to the heated demand he'd sent, to the image of Harry rushing home...for me.

But, even as hot as it was, I still didn't listen... Instead, I ran back inside, scouring the house for candles, little lights, or anything that could set the mood. After the day I'd had, I needed this. I needed to be enveloped in Harry's arms, securely held in our little love bubble, the whole rest of the world falling away into oblivion.

Once again rushing past Harry's bedroom a thought struck me, and I looked down at myself, at the very basic bikini that was somewhat covering me. In all of my rushing around to set the scene, I never once thought about me, and how I should look when Harry got home...


I emptied the contents in my arms onto the floor and headed in, going over in my mind all of the items I had actually packed. Pulling my suitcase onto the bed, I unzipped it, quickly rummaging through the sexy little things I'd brought with me. I was just considering a lacy little bra and panties set that Gemma had helped pick out when a flash of green caught my eye.

Harry's jersey...

Picking up the soft shirt, I played with the fabric, chewing on my bottom lip. Should I? After the way I'd reacted to it before, my subconscious shook her head at me. But, thanks to the wine still flooding my system, I chose to ignore her yet again. Within seconds my bathing suit was on the floor, and I was pulling Harry's jersey over my head.

I didn't know what he'd say, or what he'd think, but I was too keyed up to care. I liked wearing his jersey, liked knowing that his name was securely stamped across my back. I liked knowing that I was his.

And, I was... Mind, body, and soul, I was Harry's.

Wearing his jersey, and not a thing else, I got back to work, my body warming as the minutes flew by, my thoughts surrounding Harry. His voice, his scent, his touch, the way it felt to have him buried deep inside me...

Reaching for my phone, I was about to call him when I heard the roar of an engine flying up his driveway. Looking around the garage, at the somewhat romantic atmosphere I'd been able to create, I smiled and climbed onto his bike, nearly squealing as the cool leather of the seat met my heated flesh.

The front door slammed shut, and I held my breath, my heart beating rapidly in my chest.


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