Lie To Me-Chapter 106

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Harry and I spent the rest of my birthday the way I would have wanted to spend the entire day. We made dinner together, him wearing just a soft pair of boxers, me in just his jersey; we got dressed, at least mostly, to take Max on a walk in the moonlight; and made desert out of each other using the "ingredients" he'd picked out at the store. Covered in the remnants of chocolate, whipped cream, and strawberry juice, he ran us a bath in the whirlpool tub in his bathroom.

With the warm water bubbling around us, we made love yet again, our eyes locked, our bodies tangled, whispering soft words of love. It was heaven... Complete and utter heaven...

And as we crawled into bed, Harry pulling me close to rest my head above his heart, my entire being sighed in contentment. THIS was what it felt like to be in love. THIS was what it felt like to truly be happy. Even my subconscious took the night off, shutting up her usually constant criticisms to simply relax, and enjoy...

However, in all of the perfection that the night had been, I still had to talk to Harry about everything that had happened earlier in the day. I still needed to tell him about my job, or at least what I hoped was still my job. I still needed to let him know about Bree, and the unwelcome guest we'd be having for the later half of our week.

Curling in closer, taking in the warm scent of Harry's skin, I pushed it away. All of that could wait. For tonight, it was just us, and nothing could take that away from me...

* * * * *

(Harry's POV)

Pulling me from the best sleep I could remember having, I turned my head toward the song coming from the phone on the other side of the bed. Waiting for the noise to stop, I sighed as it finally ended. Riley would just have to call back whoever was so desperate to get in touch with her this morning.

Ahh, Riley... Peeking down at the beautiful woman resting against my chest, I sighed again. My God, she was amazing... The most thoughtful, kind, adventurous, sexy, sweet, beautiful woman I'd ever known. And she was mine. All mine.

My smile widened as I tucked a stray hair behind her ear until her phone started up again...


What the hell was so important that someone couldn't just wait?!?

Stretching my arm as far out as it could go, careful not to disturb the sleeping angel beside me, I grabbed for Riley's phone, swiping across before even glancing at the name on the screen. "Hello?"

A surprised female voice came across the line, "Oh! I'm sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number... Sorry to disturb you."

"Wait," I interrupted the hang up, hoping I wasn't talking to her mother... "Who are you trying to reach?"

"My best friend, Riley."

Bree... Fuck...

"Hi, Bree... It's Harry."

"Oh! Hi! Wow! Okay, sorry about that... I just... I'm calling from work, and I don't have her number programmed here, so when you answered, I thought...wait a minute. Why are you answering Riley's phone?!? What happened to her?!? Is she hurt?!?"

Pulling the phone away from my ear as she got louder and louder in her panic, I attempted to cover the earpiece, taking a quick peek at Riley to make sure she was still asleep.

She was, and I couldn't help but smile knowing I was the one that wore her out...

"Bree, she's fine. She's just asleep. Can I have her call you back when she wakes up?"

"Oh... Ohhhh!! Um...yeah. Yeah, you can have her call me back. I was just needing to get your address so I know where I'm going, and so I can let my work know where I'll be staying while I'm out there."

The world stopped. Surely I'd heard her wrong... Surely she wasn't asking for my address... Surely she wasn't planning on... staying... here... with us...


"Yeah, sorry. I'm still here. I just... I'm a little surprised. I didn't know you were staying out here. Your work didn't set you up with a hotel?"

She laughed over the phone, and the sound made my stomach churn. "No, they did originally, but with you guys out there, I didn't need it." She paused for a moment. "Riley didn't tell you, did she?"

I looked down at Riley again, my happiness fading fast, "No... She didn't..."

I told Bree that I'd have to have Riley call her later with the address, claiming that I didn't know it by heart yet, even though I'd memorized it long before I'd actually bought the house, and hung up.

Riley shifted in her sleep, burrowing closer and letting out a little sigh of contentment.

Bree had to have been lying or something. Riley wouldn't have invited her to stay with us without talking to me first, right? She knew how much this week meant to me. I'd thought it meant the same to her...

But, maybe I was wrong. Maybe... Maybe none of this was the same for Riley as it was for me. Maybe she didn't love me the way I loved her...

She'd always been so reluctant, so worried to share what we'd felt for each other with the world, and even now, after we'd become "official," she was still trying to hide it... I'd heard the shock in Bree's voice. She hadn't expected me to answer Riley's phone, hadn't expected us to be in the same bed together. In their apparent conversation yesterday, Riley never mentioned it, never told her what had happened between us... And Bree was supposed to be her best friend!

I shook my head at myself, at the suspecting pain twisting my stomach. No... Riley loved me. She showed me every day how much she loved me. In every smile, every laugh, I could feel her love wash over me. It had to be real. It HAD to be...

But, the war within my brain raged on. Despite my trust in Riley, despite my overwhelming love for her, I couldn't help but wonder... I knew I wanted more with her. I wanted forever... But, what did Riley want? What was she really in this for?

Needing to clear my head, needing a moment alone, I quietly slipped out from under the sleeping beauty that had my stomach twisting in knots.

Donning a pair of sweatpants, and finding some suitable sneakers, I got ready for a run, and headed for the exit. A quiet yap from the kitchen caught my attention as I neared the door, and I turned around.

Max... My birthday gift to Riley. My last attempt to keep her life intertwined with mine. I shook my head. What a stupid idea...

Entering the kitchen, my eyes met the happy puppy. "Hey, Max... You want to go for a run this morning?"

His wagging tail and hanging tongue made me smile despite my uncertain thoughts. Though I was used to running alone, maybe the company would be good for me. Maybe Max would be just what I needed to set my mind right.

Grabbing up his leash, I scooped up the wriggling puppy, and got him ready to go. Seconds later we were stepping out into the warm California sun, the crisp morning air filling our lungs. My brain still going over everything that had happened between Riley and I... All of it...

From our first chance encounter, to the building of our friendship, to the first time I let myself see Riley as much more than the best friend she'd been. I though about the first time we'd made love, the memory of the way she'd looked at me still able to make my heart race... I though over every moment, every laugh, every smile, every sweet sound that came from her mouth, including the soft whispers of love she'd uttered as we came together just hours ago.

And in the end, all I'd accomplished, was falling even more in love with her...

Note: Hello my beautiful readers!! Sorry for the late, and short chapter... I've been battling a nasty cold that's been making my head spin, so writing has been a little difficult. I hope you're all having a great week, though!! I love you guys!! ❤️

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