Lie To Me-Chapter 70

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Emerging from the bathroom, I'd half expected to see Harry leaning against the wall, waiting for me. Lord knows the man wasn't exactly known for his patience, and I'd been in the bathroom a little longer than expected... Surprisingly enough, though, when I'd walked through the door he wasn't there.

Looking up to the VIP area, I spotted him immediately, sitting on a couch just behind the entrance. For a moment, I contemplated yelling out to him, making him come down to join me instead of having to master the steps yet again...until I watched his face harden in anger as he looked to his side. Thats when it hit me. Harry wasn't alone...

Squinting against the flashing lights that seemed to fill the club, I attempted to see who he was talking to. Was that Bree?

She looked pissed, more angry than I'd seen her in a long time, her hands moving rapidly as she talked. Oh no... There was only one thing I could possibly imagine them fighting about, and the thought made my heart plummet into my stomach.

It was me... They were fighting about me...

I took off toward the stairs, as fast as my heels could carry me, praying that I could come up with something to say to keep the peace. Shaking my head, I sighed. It seemed I was always doing that... Bending over backwards to keep the peace between Bree and whoever she was having problems with at the time.

She never did have a good filter on her mouth, and when she'd been drinking, that filter all but disappeared... I just didn't want her saying something to Harry that would upset him, or bring a rift between one of my oldest friends, and the most important man in my life...


Stopping at my name being called behind me, I turned to see Niall heading my way at his own quick pace. "Where have you been, girl?!? Ed's going up on stage soon!" He looked around me, "Wait, where's Harry? Haven't you two been practically attached all night?"

For a moment, my face flamed, my thoughts trailing to just how "attached" we'd been only moments ago... "Um... I... Well... I had to go to the ladies' room."

Niall looked at me, his brow arching in disbelief. "Uh huh... Suuuure... Anyway, you've got fifteen minutes, so get your man and let's go!!"

And as quickly as he'd shown up, Niall was gone, lost to the crowd of people milling around the club. I shook my head again as I started up the stairs. Niall was a tornado of pure energy sometimes. But, then again, that's part of why we all loved him so much...

As I neared the top of the stairs, I paused at the site in front of me. Bree still looked upset, but more sad than angry... And Harry looked like he was consoling her, his hand gently patting her back as he spoke softly.

What the hell had I missed?!?

Approaching the two of them, I caught the last few words of Harry's speech, "I knew it would make her happy..."


"Make who happy?"

Both heads jerked up at the sound of my voice, looking a little more guilty than they should have...

"What's going on up here?"

Not meaning to sound territorial, I cringed at the way the question had come out of my mouth. It's not that I thought something intimate had happened between them in the few minutes i'd been in the bathroom, but something had definitely happened...

Bree spoke up first, putting on an obviously fake smile toward Harry. "What? Nothing! We were just having a friendly chat."

I looked to Harry for confirmation, but he just shook his head, silently telling me it just wasn't worth getting into right now. He'd tell me later. I knew he would...

"Well... If everything's okay, Ed's going up on stage soon, so we should probably head down..."

I tried to keep things light, smiling at them both, though the pit of my stomach continued to churn. Something was wrong. I could feel it.

Giving Harry a questioning look, I let him tuck me against his side, safely held under his arm. "It'll be okay, Lee." He smiled softly before pressing a kiss against my temple.

Thankfully, as we joined everyone else on the dance floor, the tension in the air seemed to dissipate, and with us all together, acting our usual goofy selves, I quickly forgot about the weirdness I'd walked in on.

As the latest Jason Derulo song came to an end, the music died down and the lights shifted, pointing to the small stage along the back wall. A man I recognized as the head bartender, and owner of the club, came out to take center stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen!! I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight, and to shake things up a bit, we have a special surprise for all of you!!" He paused as the crowd around us cheered. "So, without further ado, let us give a big welcome to Ed Sheeran!!!!"

The crowd went wild, with our little group being the loudest as Ed emerged on stage with a smile. "Thank you! Thank you! This song is off my latest album, and goes out to my girl, Riley, who is celebrating her birthday tonight!!"

The lights shifted, and the music began to play. I nearly squealed in happiness as I recognized it immediately, and yelled out toward the stage, "I love you, Eddie!!!"

Laughing, he leaned into the mic, "You too, love."

Then he started singing. "It's late in the evening. Glass on the side..."

The room erupted, with people singing and dancing along with Ed as he performed. Naturally, I began to sway in time to the music.

Coming up behind me, Harry stood close, his hands resting gently on my hips. I could feel him, pressing insistently against me as I leaned back onto his chest, and a thought struck me. With all of the attention he'd paid me upstairs, ensuring that I was more than well taken care of, he'd gone without... A smile tugged at my lips as I worked out a plan.

It was time for my dear, sweet Harry to get a little payback...

Note: Hello again my lovelies!!! I'd like to thank you all again for reading, and voting!!! It really means a lot to me!!! So, I'm posing another topic for us to discuss, cause you know I love chatting with all of you (well, those that comment)!!! What do you think of Bree? Do you like her? Hate her? Are you unsure? Let me know what you think, and let's talk about it!! Love you guys!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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