Lie To Me-Chapter 129

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Harry was somewhat quiet during the ride to the restaurant, but with Bree chattering away in the back seat, I don't know if I would have heard him much anyway... Rolling my eyes at some comment she made about rich people in LA, I met his gaze, the both of us sharing a smile.

He moved down to take my hand in his, bringing it to his lips, and mouthing a silent "I love you" before kissing the skin on my knuckles.

I returned the sentiment, interlocking my fingers with his as he held my hand against his chest, and sighed in contentment. God, I loved him...

"I'm so excited to try this restaurant! My coworker Kyle would not stop talking about it! Apparently it's the go to place for celebrity sightings. It's supposedly really expensive, but I figure Harry here will be able to handle the check." Bree giggled to herself.


I enjoyed being with my best friend, really, but at times I wished she would think things through before opening her mouth...

"It's okay, Riley. I already said that this is my treat tonight. I don't mind." Harry gave me a sweet smile even as I shook my head.

He was trying, I'd give him that, but I could tell that she'd already begun to get to him. He just wasn't the normal, carefree Harry that I was used to...and, I still didn't know what she'd said back at the house that had made him uncomfortable enough to escape to the backyard.

But, I would. Even if I had to pin Harry down and force it out of him, I'd find out what they'd discussed while I was off getting ready.

Actually, that didn't sound like a bad idea at all...

Although the rest of the drive to the restaurant was fairly uneventful, getting in was difficult, to say the least. With it being a go to place for celebrities, it was also a go to place for the paparazzi.

"Harry!!! Can we talk to you for a minute?"

"Talk to us about the new album!!"

"Harry, fans are wondering... What's going on in your love life right now?!?"

For the most part, we ignored them, the security guards helping to usher us toward the door. But, I couldn't miss Harry's soft giggle as he answered the last shouted question under his breath. "Hmm... I don't know... Maybe you should ask my insatiable girlfriend?"

Nudging him with my shoulder, I laughed at the cheeky smile on his face. "What am I going to do with you?"

Once we were safely inside the two layers of tinted doors, Harry spun me around to face him, his arms wrapping around my back, holding me tight. "You're going to love me... Forever... Until we're old, and shriveled up, and we can't see."

I giggled as he bent down to press a kiss to my lips. "Well, okay then... That works for me."

"Yeah, you get used to it. I think it's the whole new relationship thing. Apparently, they do this a lot..."

Bree's voice interrupted the moment we'd been wrapped up in, and I pulled away, turning to see her standing with the waiter, the both of them more than ready to head to our table.

My face flamed. "Sorry... I just... We just..."

The waiter smiled at me, a dimple creasing his cheek as his mouth tilted in a smirk. "No need to apologize. I'd be doing the same thing with a beautiful woman in my arms, too..."

My laughter was cut short by Harry curtly responding to the man. "Um, excuse me, but are we going to stand here chatting all night?"

Silently following the waiter through the restaurant, I was confused at Harry's sudden irritation. He seemed to be in a great mood just a few seconds ago. Playful, teasing, sexy as always... But now he was quiet again, with a serious scowl wrinkling his forehead.

What the hell did I miss?

With the waiter's guidance, we took our seats at a square table set toward the back of the restaurant. Harry sat down to my right, and Bree took the seat on the isle, to my left.

Talking about the specials, the young man opened the fabric napkin that sat in front of Bree, placing it gently on her lap. But before he could even touch mine, Harry snatched it off the table.

"We've got this, thank you."

"Harry!" I gave the waiter an apologetic look before turning to scowl at him. "What is wrong with you?!?"

The waiter nodded silently, quickly turning away from us, and Bree broke into laughter, in a sing-song voice answering for Harry, "Somebody's jealous!!!"

I laughed at her, shaking my head. "No way! Why on earth would Harry be jeal...?"

"That man was being rude and inappropriate. I mean, with that comment?!? It's not like he didn't see us together!"


My eyes turned to Harry at his interruption. The man was beautiful in more instances than should be allowed in nature, but to see him jealous? Pouty, and irritated? Now that was downright adorable...

"Harry..." I placed a hand on his knee under the table. "He was just being understanding of us wasting time! And besides, you know you don't have to worry about stuff like that. I love you. Until we're old and we can't see." I giggled at him. "That's all that matters, right?"

His face softened as he looked at me, his hand coming down to cover mine, "Don't forget shriveled up, too... And you're right. That is all that matters. I just..."

"Get a little jealous sometimes?" I smirked at him.

"Yeah... I guess when it comes to you, I do..." His dimple deepened as he laughed at himself.

Thinking of my own battle with jealousy, and how I'd reacted to Ari at the cookout, I scoffed at myself, laughing along with him.

"Apparently, we both do..."

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