Lie To Me-Chapter 56

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I felt horrible... What had started off as one of the best mornings of my life, had quickly turned sour during my talk with Harry.

I thought he'd understand. His fans were so important to him. He'd never want to hurt them! So why didn't he get it? Why was he fighting me on this?!? It's not like I was asking for a few months, or even weeks to figure this all out. I just wanted a couple days... Just a few days for us to talk it over, figure out what we were both feeling, discuss it, and then face the world together as a united front. Was that too much to ask?

Apparently, it was...

He'd been so hung up on my request to wait, I don't think he'd even listened to my reasoning. If he'd had, I'm sure he would understand...

'Oh yeah, Mr. Impulsive would totally understand...' My snarky subconscious reminded me.

Okay, yes, Harry could be rather impulsive. If he wanted a tattoo, he got one. If he wanted a house in LA, he bought one. But, that impulsive nature, that "throw caution to the wind" attitude was one of the things I loved most about him.

However, that impulsive nature had a knack for getting him in trouble, too... There were plenty of things he'd done in the past that now made him cringe, and I didn't want this to be one of them. I didn't want to jump the gun and come out together now, only to have Harry regret it later...

'Are you sure about that? Are you sure it's not that you're worried he'll regret you later?'

I shook my head, trying to shut my subconscious up. She was apparently very talkative today, but I just wasn't in the mood to hear it... I didn't want to admit those fears, even to myself. I didn't want to think about what I would do if Harry regretted what we'd done last night, and this morning...I didn't want to consider how much it would hurt...

Walking down the hall toward my "office," I was just passing the floor manager's open door when he called my name.

"Riley, can I see you for a minute please?"


Backtracking a few steps, I'd barely gotten in the door before he looked between me and his computer, a snarky look on his face. "Riley, did your hours change without me knowing? Cause I believe your shift starts at 8:00, not 8:30."

"No sir, my hours didn't change. I just... My roommate needed my help this morning, and it put me a little behind," I half lied.

"I just looked over your time-sheets, and it's a good thing you don't do this often..." He paused for dramatic effect. "I would just hate to have your record tarnished right before you're scheduled to leave for a week..."

I plastered on an obvious fake smile. "Thank you for the reminder, sir. If you don't mind, I'm going to excuse myself so I can get to work. I wouldn't want to waste any more of the company's time."

From there, I nearly stomped my way to me desk, throwing my purse in the corner. That guy was such an ass!

"Woah there... Somebody having a bad morning?" My boss emerged from her office, her eyebrows raised.

"Sorry Alyssa... I had a rough morning with Harry which made me late, and then the schedule nazi just accosted me on my way in, reminding me that I have zero job security..."

Taking my arm before I could even pull out my chair, she drug me into her office, shutting the door behind us.

"Okay, first things first..." She sat down, motioning for me to take a seat as well. "Ignore Derek. He's not getting any at home, and is probably getting tired of using his hand to get off... You have complete job security, my dear. If he even tries to get you booted, I'm gonna fight that man tooth and nail. You're not going anywhere." She nodded curtly, telling me that the work portion of out conversation was now over.

"Now... Tell me what happened with Harry..."

Aside from Aaron downstairs, Alyssa was one of two other people who knew about Harry, and our living arrangements. And although she usually loved to gossip about everything under the sun, she'd always kept that knowledge to herself. I could trust her.

So, I took the plunge, and told her...everything.

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