Lie To Me-Chapter 12

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"Hello!!! Earth to Harry!!!" I waved my hand in front of his face. He'd gone blank again, that lost look taking over his features. What was going on with him?

He shook his head. "Sorry... What did you say?"

"Nothing... Are you okay though? You seemed a little out of it for a while there." I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead. "You're not getting sick, are you?"

He laughed, backing away from me. "No! No, I'm fine really. I just... I have to go get ready. I'll be right back."

And with that, he nearly ran from the room, taking the stairs two at a time. I watched after him, concern and confusion battling against each other. He may have said he was fine, but I wasn't buying it... Not for a second. He was definitely going through something. I just wished he would trust me enough to tell me what...

There was a time when Harry would tell me everything... I couldn't count on both hands the number of times we'd been on the phone into the early morning hours talking about his relationship at the time, how much he missed home while he was on tour, or just anything that popped into either of our minds.

But that was then... And a lot had apparently changed since then... Maybe it was LA that had changed him, made him wary and less trusting... There weren't a lot of people someone could trust out there; especially Harry. He was too genuine, too sweet, too nice.

I should have a talk with him... Remind him that we're still best friends... That I'm here for more than just the fun stuff...

Checking my phone to see that I still had some time, I went for the stairs. Only, as my hand gripped the railing, I looked up to see him standing at the top, ready to come down. He couldn't have been gone for more than a few minutes!! How the hell does he do that?!?

"Going somewhere?" He teased as he came back down, going at a much slower pace than he'd used before.

I just gaped at him. He looked... amazing. On his feet were his usual trademark boots, ugly as all get out in my opinion, but he loved those things. Trailing my eyes up, I took in his black skinny jeans...another Harry trademark. Continuing further up, I took in the half-buttoned plaid shirt, and homemade headband. How he pulled this off was beyond me... On any normal human being, it would look absolutely ridiculous. But on him, it just worked...

Nearing the bottom, he stopped two steps in front if me, cocking his hip to the side, and striking a pose. "Like what you see?"

A giggle escaped my lips as I shook my head at him.

"Actually, you look great! I don't know how you do it, but you'll have to beat every girl at that party off with a stick!!"

His silly smile morphed into a more natural smile as he finished the final steps to stand next to me.

"Thanks, Lee. You really do look beautiful. I don't think I told you that before. Natural, and beautiful. Jeremy isn't gonna know what hit him."

I felt the burning of my cheeks at his complement. I know it was just Harry being his normal sweet self, but being told that you look beautiful will always make a girl blush, at least a little... But, before I could thank him, or really say anything, the doorbell rang, and his eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Oh, goody!! My victim has arrived..."

Chasing after him, racing toward the door, I nearly caught the tail end of his shirt as I scolded, "Harry!!! You better be nice!!!"

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