Lie To Me-Chapter 23

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The first thing I noticed as I opened my eyes to the dim light of morning, was that the clock on my nightstand was flashing, indicating that we'd actually lost power at some point during the night. The second thing I noticed was the strong arm wrapped around me, the hand resting gently against my stomach, not even an inch away from the curve of my breast.


My thoughts trailed to last night, and how he'd once again come to my rescue... How he'd calmed me, cuddled me, and stayed with me... But, when I'd fallen asleep, I was facing him, curled up against his chest, the scent of his skin filling my lungs. Now, he was curled behind me, a "big spoon" to my "little spoon." I could feel his entire body pressed against mine as he held me in his sleep, his chest to my back, his knees tucked in behind mine, and my ass gently cupped by the crease of his lap.

My breath caught... Sure, Harry and I had shared a bed hundreds of times, from visiting his mom, to staying with him on tour, to other stormy nights where I ended up in his bed... But we'd never ended up like this! Yes, it was comfortable, the sweet, gentle way he held me against him, his soft, even breath caressing my skin. But, it was Harry holding me like this! This is how couples slept! Not friends, not roommates... Intimate couples!!

Needing to peel my body away from his, I tried to slide out from underneath his arm, only to have him mumble something incoherent and pull me back tighter. Crap...

"Harry... Harry wake up..."


I couldn't help but giggle at his protest, gently shaking my head. This was going to be difficult...

Wiggling around, I attempted to move to my back, doing my best to keep his hand in "safe" territory. Unfortunately, I didn't make the same consideration for the lower half of our bodies... And the telltale bulge that emerged as my hip ground against him left nothing to the imagination...

"Harry! Harry, you need to wake up right now!!!"

"Hmm... What? What's going on?" His eyes opened slowly, taking in the room around him, before landing on me. I was twisted, half on my back, half on my side, but I could see the sweet smile that crossed his face before he realized that my hip was currently pressed against a rapidly growing erection...

He jumped back, nearly falling off the bed as he scrambled to bring distance between us. Doing the same, I scooted as far away as I could.

"I... That wasn't... I mean, I didn't know..."

"It's okay, Harry. I know... I mean... I... Right... Well..."

An awkward silence stretched out between us as we stared at each other, both of us sitting on opposite edges of the bed, neither one knowing what to say.

With a million thoughts running through my head, the hilarity of the situation hit me, and I burst out laughing, quickly joined by Harry's own laughter as he rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand.

"Um... Well, good morning."

Covering my mouth in an attempt to stop my laughter, I looked at him. "I should be saying the same thing to you..."

His face tinted as he dropped his head into his hands. "Oh my God..." He shifted uncomfortably. Obviously his...problem wasn't going away...

"It's okay, really. I mean, it was a bit of a shock at first, but that happens to a lot of guys in the morning..."


"No, really!! Don't be embarrassed, Harry. It was..." I tried to come up with something to say that would make him feel better, "...nice."

His hands dropped as he turned to give me a look. "Nice?!?"

"Um... It was big?"

Oh, my God, what the hell was I saying?!?

"I gotta get out of here..." Gingerly standing up, at least for the most part, he made his way to my door, doing everything in his power to keep his back to me.

"Harry... Wait."

Groaning, he turned just enough to see me, his hands strategically placed over his lap. "What?"

"Um... Thank you, for last night. For staying with me. And... I'm sorry about this morning..."

He shook his head. "It's okay... And I'll always be there for you, Lee. For anything. And I'm sorry about this morning too..."

And with that he made his way out the door, shutting it behind him. Alone in the room, I fell back onto the mattress with a groan. Okay, I'd royally messed that one up!! My attempt to get out of the intimate position I'd woken up in massively backfired, and resulted in one of the most awkward an embarrassing moments of my life!! Did I seriously just tell my best friend that he was "big"?!? I mean, I wasn't lying... He was...impressive... But, did I have to say it?!? Out loud?!? To him?!? And why the hell am I even thinking about this?!?

Smacking myself in the forehead, I worked my way out of bed. I had to stop this. I had to focus. Work. I had to go to work.

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