Lie To Me-Chapter 93

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Finally pulling into the driveway, I gasped at the size of the house. The pictures he'd sent me did NOT do it justice! This place was huge!

"Holy crap, Harry!! What on earth does one man need with so much space?!?"

He laughed, opening the door for us to get out. "I know... It is a bit much. But, I figure, if I decide to keep it, it could be the house I build a family in... So, it may not always seem so big."

I stopped. Hearing Harry talk about starting a family made my heart skip a beat...

'No...' My subconscious scolded me. 'You will not go there.'

Shaking off my thoughts, I followed Harry to the door, my breath held at what would be waiting on the other side.

Our driver stood a few feet behind me, much more patient than I was. Harry took his time, watching me from out of the corner of his eye as he pushed the key into the lock, slowly turned the latch, and finally opened the door.

My jaw dropped as my eyes took in marbled tile, clean lines, pristine carpeting, and all of the little extras that money could buy.

"Welcome home!"

No way... This wasn't any home I'd ever known... This was magnificent, extravagant. It made our cozy little flat in London look like my very first apartment; small, and dark.

Harry beamed almost as brightly as the afternoon sun reflecting off the white walls. "So, what do you think?"

As I searched for the right answer, our driver cleared his throat behind me. "If you're all settled here, I'm going to head out. It was a pleasure meeting you both. Please do not hesitate to call us if you're in need of any additional transportation." He handed Harry his business card.

Thanking him again, Harry walked the driver back to the open door, gave him a hefty tip, and said a final goodbye.

My eyes continued to scan the area in front of me, my brain finding it hard to register any thought other than, 'Wow...'

Strong arms came around me from behind, as Harry pressed a kiss to the side of my neck. "You never answered my question..." He continued to nibble and bite along my skin, sending shiver after shiver up my spine. "What do you think?"

"It's... It's...ohh...beautiful. And so...mmm...very big..."

I felt his laughter against my skin. "Still talking about the house, Riley?"

"Well, if someone would stop distracting me..." Turning in his arms, I faced him.

"I can't help it! You're here with me, looking so awed, and beautiful, and nervous, and sexy, and..."

I giggled at him, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to his lips. "I'm happy I'm here, Harry. Thank..."

But before I could finish, a bang sounded from the back of the house.

"What the hell was that?!?" My eyes widened. Was somebody in here? Didn't this place have an alarm?

His brows furrowed as we both listened in quietly, fear and panic rising in my veins.

"I don't know what that was, but we're going to check it out..."

Wait...what?!? Going to check it out?!?

The possibilities of what it could be ran through my head as he took my hand, leading me deeper into the house, passed the grand staircase. Maybe it was a burglar... Maybe it was some sort of wild animal...

Keeping close, I tiptoed behind him, waiting for something horrid to jump out at me. But, as we turned the corner, heading for what looked like the kitchen, Harry stopped. "Oh..." Nearly plowing into his back, I hid behind him, too scared to look.

My voice came out as a squeak. "What is it?"

Stepping to the side, Harry turned to smile back at me. "It's just Max."

Max?!? Who the hell was Max?!?

I searched for someone standing in the kitchen before my eyes caught movement near the floor. Looking down, my knees almost gave out.

Sitting in a little pen, the sweetest pair of dark eyes I'd ever seen stared back at me. Max. Max, the dog. Harry got a dog?!?

"Harry? When did you get a dog?!?"

"He's not mine, Riley."

I turned back to look at him even as I found myself walking closer to the tiny puppy, his entire body shaking with the force of his tail.

"What do you mean he's not yours? Whose is he?" Reaching the pen, I bent down, petting heart melting with every second, every lick, every puppy nibble.

"Well, he belongs to this amazing woman, who I love very much. But, I will admit, I am hoping she may be willing to share him. It'll be easy, too, seeing as how she lives with me."

My eyes widened as it all started to come together in my brain, and I turned to Harry with an open mouth. It couldn't be... He didn't... Did he?

All I got in response was a smile.

"Happy Birthday, Riley."

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