Lie To Me-Chapter 152

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(Harry's POV)

Looking down at the empty glass swaying on the bar in front of me, I groaned. I was drunk...


"How ya doin, Harry? Ready to call it a night?"

Jack, the bartender on duty, stepped in front of me, a bottle of caramel colored liquid in his hand.

"No. Give me another." I pointed with a shaky hand toward the stupid moving glass. He'd never be able to give me more if the damn thing wouldn't stop moving...

"Man... I don't know what happened, but you sure are putting them away tonight. Want to talk about it?"

I raised my brows, looking at him. Was I at a bar, or a therapist's office? No, I didn't want to talk about it! I didn't want to talk about the fact that my girlfriend, the sweetest, most beautiful woman in the world was pissing me off to no end. I didn't want to talk about her stupid best friend, who for whatever reason had a strange hold on her. I didn't want to talk about the fact that the two of them were in MY house right now...the same house I'd been asked to leave.

"Fucking women..."

Jack chuckled as he filled my glass, "Yeah... I figured it was something like that. I spent plenty of nights sitting on that side of the bar drowning my sorrows thanks to the fairer sex."

"Oh yeah?" Suddenly I was very interested to hear what he had to say. "What'd you do about it?"

He laughed, said goodnight to a couple walking out the door, and put the bottle back over with it's friends. "Well... I married her." He laughed, waving his hand at me. A hand that seemed to have way too many fingers.

"Yeah, well, Riley will probably never marry me. She doesn't even trust me."


"My girlfriend..." Duh. Was the man not listening? "She doesn't believe me. She never does. I mean, you hide one little thing, and all of a sudden you're branded the candy man, you know?"

His brows furrowed as he tilted his head. "I'm not sure I'm following here..."

Well, that was the understatement of the century...

"What did you hide from her?"

"Ari. She's a bitch, really, but we had a thing... No... I shouldn't say that. She's just not a very nice person. Anyway... Where was I?"

He chuckled, and I took the opportunity to get a drink. Damn, I was thirsty...

"You hid Ari from Riley, and now she doesn't trust you."

"Oh, Right! I didn't tell Riley about Ari. And now she doesn't believe me about anything! She believes Bree instead, and Bree is lying too!" I leaned in closer, "Bree is another one of THOSE people... You know, not nice?"

He laughed out loud at me, his hot breath hitting my face. Ewe...

"Harry, man, you're allowed to say 'bitch' here. You're not going to offend me..."

I leaned back, grabbing at the bar when my stool wobbled. They really needed to fix this thing...

"No, I know. I just... My mum taught me to be nice, and I just don't want... You know..."

He nodded his head in understanding. "You're a good kid, Harry. And your mom is a good woman for teaching you that. You don't see it much these days... I can't tell you how many times I've overheard guys spouting off that language to the very women that are trying to get them home safe after they've had too much... It's sad really..."

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