Lie To Me-Chapter 60

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With my issues at work pushed to the back of my mind, I rushed home. I had an hour and a half to get ready before we had to head to the restaurant. And I still had to shower, figure out how to get my dress on without the help of a saleswoman, and do hair and make-up!!

Running in the front door, I left it to slam behind me as I headed directly for the stairs.

"Riley? What's going...?" Harry stepped out from the kitchen in just enough time to see me head up at a full sprint.

"I can't talk now, Harry! I gotta get ready!!"

His laughter followed behind me as I climbed, stripping my clothes off on my way down the hall. By the time I entered my bedroom, I was clad in only a pair of lace-trimmed boy shorts.

For a moment, I paused, wondering at Harry's reaction if I turned around and headed back downstairs, claiming to be ready... A giggle escaped my lips. Knowing Harry, if I did that, we'd most definitely be late...

My subconscious shook her head at my imagined behavior before looking down at her wrist impatiently.

Right. I had to get ready... Harry and I could have all the fun we wanted, but it would have to wait until after dinner. Besides, I thought with a nervous smile, I'd much rather see what his reaction to my dress would be...

Taking the world's quickest shower, fifteen minutes later I stood at the door to my closet. My eyes followed the lines of the long flowing fabric hanging on the hook in front of me, and I sighed. I really loved this dress. I loved the way it hugged me, the way it made me feel. I couldn't have found a better option for tonight.

However, after putting it on, I realized I'd made one major mistake. With the open back, I knew I'd have to go without a bra. That much, I'd learned at the store. But, what I wasn't expecting was that no matter which style I chose, I apparently couldn't wear underwear either... Every single pair I owned showed above the seam of the dress.


Pealing my last attempt down my legs, I turned to the full length mirror on my wall. Okay, this wasn't too bad. Though the fabric started just above my butt-crack, thankfully all of the important parts remained covered. Even when I moved, the dress stayed in place, shifting with me like a second skin.

I'd just have to go without wearing anything underneath it...

Wardrobe crisis averted, though it felt beyond strange to be walking around with nothing else on, I made my way back into the bathroom to get my make-up on and attempt to bring some curl to my lifeless locks. My hands shook as I gathered my things, and I had to take a moment to collect myself.

I was nervous. Far more nervous than I should have been... It was just dinner! Dinner with Harry, Gemma, Anne, and Robin. These people were my second family! I had no reason to worry!

But, no matter what I told myself, no matter how much logic I used, something about this night felt bigger, more important than a birthday dinner at a fancy restaurant. I felt a pivotal moment approaching.

"Fifteen minutes, Lee!!"

I heard Harry call from the other side of my closed bedroom door, and my heart beat just a little faster.

"Okay! Go on down, and I'll be right there!"

Finishing up my lipstick, which seemed to match the dress perfectly, I stepped back. My usually straight hair was holding the curls nicely in waves that teased the exposed skin on my back. I'd gone with more natural tones for my eyes, letting the red on my lips take center stage. And then there was the dress... My breath caught. I looked...pretty. Actually pretty. It was a bit surreal, but enjoyable at the same time. Never before had I actually liked what I saw in the mirror, but tonight was changing that.

With my head held higher, and a confidence that was slowly growing, I put on my heals, and grabbed a few essentials from my purse. I hoped Harry didn't mind carrying these for me tonight, given that I didn't have any place to carry them myself...

With a final deep breath, I shut my door behind me, and headed for the stairs. As I approached, my heart skipped a beat. There he was, waiting patiently at the bottom of the stairs, a tilted smile on his face as he sent someone a text message. He was wearing a suit... A dark, black suit that hung so perfectly on his body. Oh, wow...

My core clenched at the gorgeous man waiting for me, and my mouth went dry. "H...Harry?"

Lifting his head, his smile widened. "It's about time! I thought I'd have to send in the..." As he turned to face me, his voice trailed off. The smile he wore fell to an open mouth, his eyes going wide.


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