Lie To Me-Chapter 8

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The rest of the morning went by rather quickly, with us traveling in and out of various stores and shops, checking out some of the interesting new fashions, and breaking into laughter over the ones that looked purely ridiculous. Passing by a record store, I grabbed his arm.

"Wait! I want to go in here."

Harry looked down to see the silly grin on my face, and groaned. "Just don't embarrass me like last time..."

Ahh, last time... It had been summer, during the boys' last tour, and he'd come home for a long weekend. We'd ended up at a place like this one, where I proceeded to talk one of the clerks into putting on their album while Harry was busy looking around at some of the records he wanted to add to his collection. As the music started playing in the background, he'd looked up just in time for me to spin him around, my inner twerk already coming out. Laughing and shaking his head, he'd joined in, both of us looking like complete idiots in the middle of a record store. But, that... That wasn't the embarrassing part. Apparently, someone had gotten video of our little display, and within hours it had been posted, shared, tweeted, and made into various gifs and edits. The boys still teased him about it, to this day...

"Aww, come on. It wasn't that bad... I got a ton of new followers with that stunt..."

"Yeah... So did I..."

My laughter echoed as we walked in, heads turning, a few eyes bugging out, and phones popping up to catch a picture. It was like this everywhere. If Harry left the house, people were going to get him on film. Becoming somewhat famous, just for knowing him, I'd had my own share of experience with it, and as most people say, you kind of get used to it. Almost like being on reality tv. After a while, it's like the cameras aren't even there.

He let me shop, and look around, laughing at my excitement over finding their latest cd still listed under the "Best Sellers" heading, but after a couple hours with just a coffee on my stomach, it started to growl. So, from there we headed to a nearby cafe for something quick to eat.

Sitting down at one of the booths in the back, I pulled my phone out of my purse and set it on the table.

"Uh uh... No phones, Riley."

"But... But... I'm expecting an important text message..."

He gave me a look. "From who?!?"

I swallowed. This morning had been so much fun, just like old times. I really didn't want to ruin it by setting off Harry's protective side, and bringing up Jeremy again...


His lips tilted in a smirk. "I'm sorry... Who?"

"Jeremy... We... We have a date tonight..."

"Ahh... Mister 'I haven't been to the house yet'. So tell me, am I going to get to meet this guy?" He tucked a fist into his hand, a tough-guy smirk on his face.

And there it was... Just like that, he'd gone from being my crazy, fun best friend, to my evil, overbearing "big" brother...

"IF he does, you have to be nice, Harry... None of this..." I gestured to his current state, "...ness going on. Like I said, he's a good guy. He's not like the rest of them..."

Giving me a look, his mouth flattened to a frown. "You said the same thing about Marcus, and that idiot broke your heart..." I flinched at the mention of his name, and Harry's hand came down to take mine, wrapping his fingers around me. "I just don't want to see you get hurt again, Lee... You deserve someone who is going to be everything to you. Your best friend, your cheerleader, your knight in shining armor. Someone who is going to treat you like an angel. Someone who has respect for you, and everything you hold dear. Someone who is going to make you feel special, and loved, and beautiful..."

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