Lie To Me-Chapter 77

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I looked from one set of eyes to another, trying desperately to gauge what was going through their minds...and failed miserably...

"Guys... I'm sorry..."

All at once, they came toward me, surrounding me with hugs and comments of concern.

"Are you okay?"

"I can't believe she went off on you like that!"

"She got it wrong, Riley. We really do love you. It doesn't matter how long we've known you..."

Tears came to my eyes as I realized that their faces had held concern when I'd first walked in, not anger. I'd been so scared that they'd blame me for what had happened, and yet here they were...consoling me, trying to make me feel better, doing everything they could to prove that what Bree had said wasn't true.

Sensing my emotional overload, Harry tucked me under his arm, "Okay... As much fun as this night has been, and as much as I appreciate all of you for coming out and celebrating this beautiful lady here, I think it might be best if we all call it a night."

With a collective nod of understanding, Harry led us out the door.

Amid conversations of people waiting to get inside, fans asking for autographs, and the occasional picture, we said our goodbyes.

Ed hugged me tight, wishing me a happy birthday, and promising that we'd see each other again soon, before he headed off in the direction of his car.

Gemma was next, offering up an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on if I needed to talk everything out. I promised her that I would take her up on her offer, as long as ice cream was involved, and with another hug, she too, was gone.

With Harry holding my hand gently, he, Liam, Niall, and I headed for the limo waiting just down the street from the club's entrance.

Crawling into the back, an awkward silence fell over us. I felt the need to explain, at least to them, what had happened back there. What the cause was for Bree's outburst. But, before I could speak, Liam turned to me.

"Riley, I need to apologize to you."

I had to double-take for a second. "Liam... What? Why would you need to apologize? I'm the one that's sorry! She's my friend, and the things she said..."

"No." He shook his head, "I... I'm afraid at least part of all that... was my fault."

Was he crazy?!? NONE of that was his fault!

"No, Liam. Sweetie, that wasn't because of you..."

I don't know if he didn't hear me, or just chose to ignore me, but he continued as if I hadn't said a word.

"Bree and I had been talking off and on all night. And, to be honest, I was enjoying the company. As I'm sure you can probably tell by the lack of a girlfriend at my side tonight, Sophia and I... Well, we're kind of hitting a rough patch..." I moved to speak, but Harry's hand on my leg halted my interruption. "Anyway, when you all were dancing, Bree attempted to give me her room key, telling me I should join her for a nightcap..."

Oh, shit...

"I turned her down, and explained the situation, that I have a girlfriend that I love very much, no matter what. But, she didn't seem to take the news very well... She said if my girlfriend was so important to me, I wouldn't be throwing myself at another woman all night."

My head fell in shame... Leave it to Bree to try to get her hooks into this sweet man, in anyway possible...

Misreading my behavior, Liam continued. "Please, please don't be upset with me, Riley! I swear, I didn't think I was giving her any signals or anything! I would never do that to Sophia, or any woman! I'm so sorry!"

Finally, I spoke up, leaving Harry's side to carefully scoot my way next to Liam. I grabbed his hands, "Liam, listen to me. No one, not one person in this limousine, and not one person in this city could blame you for Bree's behavior tonight. I know you, and I know you would never cheat on someone you love, and you would never knowingly lead a woman on. You've done nothing wrong tonight. Not one thing. You got that?"

As he nodded his head, I pulled him in for a hug, my heart breaking over the guilt he'd felt, over the issues he was going through with Sophia, and everything... If there was anyone on this earth who deserved nothing but happiness, it was Liam.

"So, okay... I gotta know then. What was her problem?"

Pulling away at the sound of Niall's voice, I addressed all three boys before speaking.

"Bree was jealous. She feels like I've replaced her with all of you... Mix that with alcohol, and unfortunately that's what you get."

Niall scoffed. "Silly Americans... Can't hold their liquor for anything..."


Harry's voice held warning, but I found myself laughing at his lighthearted comment. "Need I remind you again, that I'm an American, Niall?"

He just smiled and gave me a wink. "Nope, you've got Irish blood in those veins. That makes you the exception to the rule."

Thanks to his quick wit, and teasing nature, Niall quickly had us all forgetting about the less enjoyable moments of the night, as we shared laughter and a little verbal sparring while we reminisced on the more positive memories.

But, although we'd seemed to move past it as a group, I couldn't keep my mind off of what Bree had said.

Was she right? Had I actually replaced her? Or had I just grown up?

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