Lie To Me-Chapter 22

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I opened my eyes into darkness, rattled awake by some unseen force. The rain was intense now, the sound almost deafening. And with a bright flash, I nearly jumped out of my skin as the building shook with the rolling thunder. No... No....

Another flash, another crack of thunder, and I couldn't stop the cry that came from my lips. "Harry!!!" In my brain it had been a scream, a frozen cry for help, but his name came out as a barely there whisper, easily drowned out by the roaring storm outside.

I tucked myself under the covers, wanting so desperately to run down the hall to him... But, I couldn't. I had to do this on my own. I had to find a way to deal with my fear...

(Harry's POV)

Waking up from thankfully, a dreamless sleep, I listened to the storm rage. It must have been close, the thunder and lightning almost simultaneous. In a flash of light I looked to my door, expecting to see Riley any second.

I admittedly loved it when she came to me, her fear almost overwhelming. As much as my heart broke to see her so scared, I loved being able to calm her, loved that she needed me. It made me feel strong, protective... Riley was always so determined, so independent, it was nice to know she needed me.

But, as I waited, she never came. I was beginning to think she was going to actually make it through the storm on her own, but during a quiet moment between flashes I heard her faint whimper.

Within seconds, I was throwing back my covers, scrambling out of bed, and racing to her room. Opening her door, I saw the shaking heap in the center of her bed.

"Riley..." I tried to make my voice as soothing as I could, letting her know of my presence, without scaring her further.


Coming to the side of her bed, I watched as she shifted under the covers, working herself out from the cave she'd created. Finally emerging, all I saw was a flash of her wide tearful eyes before she nearly jumped into my arms.

"I couldn't... I couldn't do it..." She buried her face into my chest, her hands balling into fists in anger at herself.

Shushing her, I tightened my hold, gently stroking her back, waiting for the tremors to subside. "No, Riley. You did great. I'm the one that came to you, remember? I just... I don't want to sleep alone tonight. Can I stay here with you?"

Lifting her head, she gave me a look; the disbelief clear on her face. "You don't have to do this, Harry... I have to learn... I have to..." Cut off by yet another crack of thunder, she shrieked, her fingers digging into my skin as she clung to me, again burying her face.

"I'm staying. Now, scoot..."

Still shaking like a leaf, Riley quickly did as she was told, crawling under the covers, and holding them open for me. I climbed in beside her, barely getting settled before she was curling herself up against me again. I laughed at the difficulty of positioning myself in bed with a monkey strapped to my chest.

"I mean, I know I'm hot, but dang!! I didn't know you wanted me THIS bad!!"

With a quiet laugh, she smacked my stomach. "Shut up, jerk."

It may not have been the nicest response, but I'd gotten her to laugh, so I considered it a win.

Finally getting comfortable, I crooked my neck to look down at her. "Do you want to talk? Can you tell me about what's going on at work this week? When was the last time you talked to your mom?" Desperate for a topic that would help ease her mind, I added, "Did you hear from ...Jeremy... at all today?"

She lifted her head. "Harry... I don't want to talk... I just... Can... Can you just sing to me a little?"

I couldn't help but smile at her endearing request. "I don't think you can afford me..."

"Roommate discount? Please?"

With another rumble of thunder, and another shiver running down her spine, I scooted closer to kiss the top of her head like I always did.

"Okay. Roommate discount."

And with that, I began to sing. The lack of water, sleep, and practice made my voice a little rougher than normal, but thankfully it was soothing enough that Riley slowly started to relax. I felt her muscles give way to exhaustion after the adrenaline stopped rushing through her system, and as the storm made it's way to the next town, her breathing evened out, and she fell asleep.

Only then did I allow myself to close my eyes, drifting once again into the sweet darkness of a dreamless night.

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