Lie To Me-Chapter 126

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"Oh my God, Harry!! Get up!! Get up!!" I wiggled out from underneath him, shivering as his warmth left my body.

Trying to find, and throw on my clothes, I stumbled on shaky legs, nearly falling twice, my muscles groaning with fatigue. Harry groaned along with them, slowly pulling himself up to sit on the side of the bed. "I can't move..." He chuckled, shaking his head. "You wore me out."

Ha! I wore HIM out?!?

Finding his boxers hanging off the side of a lamp, I tossed them in his lap, laughing at his delayed reaction as he went to catch them a few seconds too late.

Okay, maybe I had worn him out...

My poor baby...

Moving forward on shaky legs, I stepped between his, tucking a stray curl behind his ear. "I'm gonna go let her in, okay? Go take a shower, relax those sore muscles, and get dressed. I'll make some coffee, and have it ready when you get out."

Gazing up at me, he smiled, looking very soft and sweet, and melting my heart all over again.

"I love you."

I smiled back at him before pressing a kiss to his forehead the way he always did to mine. "I love you, too, Harry."

While I made the short walk down the hall toward the front door, I attempted to smooth out my hair, to check my clothes. Bree would know two seconds after I saw her as to what had kept me so long, but I was still trying my best to avoid the inevitable.

The bell rang again, just as I reached for the lock and turned the knob.

"Bree!" I smiled wide at my best friend, taking in her low-cut top, and short pencil skirt. Not exactly what I would call work appropriate, but the two of us never did seem to have the same taste in clothes...

"It's about time!!" Her lips flattened momentarily. "Do you have any idea how long I've been standing out here?!? The damn neighbors were about to call the cops!" Although my feelings of guilt rose, I couldn't help but giggle back at her as she jumped forward, wrapping me up in a big hug. "I missed you, Riley!!!"

"I missed you!!" Pulling away, I reached down to grab her suitcase and led her in the house, "How was your flight? How did the meetings go today? How..."

"Oh My God, You were having sex!"

I felt the heat cover my cheeks before I even turned to meet her knowing gaze.


"Don't lie to me, Riley. Your hair is a tangled mess, and I can see that hickey on your neck!!! Girl!!! You have some explaining to do!!"

My hand instinctively moved up to touch where Harry had marked me earlier, a small shiver racing up my spine as I remembered just what that moment had led to.

"Oh Lord..." I groaned, shaking my head. "Let me show you to your room, and then we'll talk, okay?"

Laughter broke out at the serious look on her face as she spoke, shaking a manicured finger at me. "You better believe we're gonna talk!! Hey, where is loverboy, anyway?" Bree looked around as I guided her past the kitchen and living room on our way to my room.

I knew Harry wouldn't be happy about me setting Bree up in my bedroom, but with the guest room still in disarray, and the evidence of our lovemaking all over the recently cleaned sheets, I just couldn't think of a better place to put her.

"He's taking a quick shower. After he's done, I just have to jump in, and then we'll be ready for dinner."

"Oh! That reminds me! One of my coworkers was talking up this fancy little place downtown. Think we could go there?"

I hid my smile at how easily I'd gotten her mind off of grilling me about Harry's and my love life. "I don't see why not! I'll talk to Harry and see what we can do."

"And here we are..." Momentarily setting her bag down on the floor, I opened the bedroom door.

"Holy shit..."

With wide eyes, Bree took in the room, the dark woods; the rich colors covering the walls and bed linens; the candles, collectibles, and numerous pictures of Harry, myself, and all our friends that decorating the space.

"This place looks like a shrine!"

I chuckled at her outrageousness, "It's just a bedroom, Bree. Well, it's supposed to be MY bedroom, but..."

"You haven't left Harry's bed since you got here..." She finished for me.

Trying to ignore the color rushing to my face, while fighting off the giddy butterflies in my stomach, I changed the subject, placing her suitcase in front of the dresser. "I don't know if you need a moment to get settled, but I promised Harry I'd make some coffee, so..."

She laughed at my obvious ignoring of her comment. "Actually, coffee sounds perfect right now. Coffee, and talking. Lots of talking."

So much for getting her mind off it...

But thankfully, Max was yapping and wiggling to go out when we finally made our way to the kitchen, so I was given a short reprieve to take him out.

Leading her through the living room toward the back, Bree marveled at Harry's backyard; zeroing in, much like I did, on the pool and the lush greenery surrounding the perimeter. "Oh my God, this is paradise!!" Her eyes fell on the guest house, "But, what is that? Does he have to share his backyard?!?"

I giggled at her. "No, that's not a neighbor. That's the guest house."

Her jaw dropped momentarily. "Oh! Right. No biggie, that's just the guest house. Cause it's completely normal to have a whole other freaking house on your property!!"

Laughing out loud, I shook my head. Had I not spent the last few years with Harry, I probably would have been surprised too. But, knowing him, he never did anything without thinking of how it would affect the people he loved most.

"That's part of the reason he chose this place. The guest house will give friends and family a place to stay when they come to visit."

"What about the other rooms in the house? Can't they just stay there?"

I nodded in understanding of her perspective. "They could. But, Harry's eventually planning on those being the kids' rooms."

Turning around to face me, her eyes wide with shock, Bree squealed, grabbing me up in a giant hug. "Oh my God!!! Oh my God!!! Riley!!! Why didn't you tell me?!? I've been here fifteen minutes, and you didn't even hint at it!!! Oh my God!!!"


"Bree, what are you talking about?!?" I pulled away from her, confusion written all over my face. She had to have lost it... Or something...

"You're pregnant!!"

"Wait... What?!?"

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