Lie To Me-Chapter 92

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My eyes opened to a soft feminine voice. "Miss? Honey, we're getting ready to land. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you to sit up and get your belt on."

I blinked at the nice flight attendant from earlier, momentarily forgetting where I was.

Oh, right...the plane.

I attempted to push myself up, but a sleep heavy arm across my back halted all movement. I looked back at the woman.

"I tried to wake him up first, but that poor boy is out like a light."

Twisting around, sure enough there was Harry, passed out like a child that had gone too long without a nap, his head hanging to the side as he held me against him.

I couldn't help but smile at him, how sweet, and relaxed, and completely adorable he looked.

"I'll wake him up. Thank you."

With a soft smile, she nodded and moved on to the next passenger.

Carefully scooting out from under Harry's arm, I gave myself a few more seconds to watch him sleep before I leaned toward him, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"Harry... You have to wake up now."

His lips twitched a fraction of an inch, but his eyes remained closed.

Licking my lips, I tried again, this time pressing a kiss by his mouth.

"Harry... We're getting ready to land. We're here. You've gotta wake up."

Hearing a snicker, my eyes darted to the man sitting across the isle from us. "I think you're going to have to try harder than that."

I quietly laughed, "Yeah, no kidding..."

It felt weird, knowing I had an audience, but I had to wake Harry up somehow... So, I gave it one last try, and went straight for his lips, pressing against them gently, letting my tongue tease the seam.

He gave a little jump, and I smiled against his mouth. Well, that worked better than I'd expected! I made a mental note to remember this the next time I had to wake Harry up.

But, as I moved to pull away, he protested against my lips, one hand coming to grip the back of my head, and the other finding it's way to my hip. His fingers contracted as he held me there, ignoring the muffled protests breaking in my throat.

The man across the isle broke into laughter, the sound just enough to break through Harry's one-track mind. He pulled away quickly, leaving my lips swollen and wet, my breathing choppy.

Both of us turned to see the man smiling slyly as he continued to chuckle. "Well, I guess you succeeded in waking him up..."

Embarrassment washed over me, and I gave a shaky laugh in response. "Yeah... I guess I did."

Harry's brow creased in disproval as he looked from the man and back to me.

"Who the hell is that?"

Crawling back into my seat, I shook my head at him. "Just some guy who was witness to the many attempts to wake you up..."

He looked back at the man, who'd begun packing up his own things. "I don't like him."

Despite the rush still running through my system, despite my embarrassment at being caught making out with Harry on an airplane, I couldn't help but giggle at his child-like behavior.

"Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the plane?"

He grumbled at me as he stretched, getting settled in his seat. "I did not..."

Of course that only made me laugh harder...

As we began our descent, there were no more interruptions, and thankfully, not a peep from the man across the isle. Apparently he didn't find grumbly Harry as adorable as I did...

I did my best to keep Harry occupied with questions about the house, the neighborhood, and things he wanted to do this week, but we both knew that the one thing I was most interested in was the one topic I was careful to avoid.

Exiting the plane, getting through customs and security, and heading to where the car service would be picking us up, he finally turned to me, a smirk on his face. "You can ask, Lee... I'm not saying I'll tell you anything, but I know it's driving you crazy not knowing."

I faked confusion, "I don't know what you're talking about..."

His laughter echoed as we climbed into the black SUV that had been waiting for us.

"Your birthday gift? Your surprise? You can't honestly think I'd believe you're not freaking out about it." He nudged my chin with his knuckle before pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "No matter how much you like to pretend, I know you too well, Riley."

"Okay, okay!!" I swatted at him. "What can you tell me? What is it?"

"Nope. You'll just have to wait until we get to the house."

My jaw dropped. Seriously?!?

"Why did you even say something then, if you weren't going to at least give me a hint?!?"

He laughed out loud. "Because I knew you were thinking about it. You just wouldn't admit it on your own..."

Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I huffed. The jerk... "I hate you."

"No you don't." He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest, and pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "You love me. And I love you."

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