Lie To Me-Chapter 139

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(Harry's POV)

I jerked awake as something heavy smacked hard against my chest.

What the...?

Looking around the room, the light dim with the setting sun outside, it took me a second to realize where I was, what was going on, and what had just hit me like a baseball bat...

Snoring softly against my shoulder, Riley had apparently swung her arm around me in her sleep. I chuckled from underneath the dead weight, honestly surprised that she'd had any strength left to move that arm, much less lift it up and swing it around me.

My mind traveled back to what had gotten us here, passed out in bed as the sun went down, and I smiled, biting my lip with the memories that would be forever etched in my brain.

After Riley had nearly killed me during the start of our "celebration," I'd taken her right there in the shower, her back pressed against the smooth tiled wall, her body wrapped around me so tight, the rapidly cooling water washing over us.

I could still feel her nails scraping against my back. I could still hear her breathless moans echoing off the walls, my name on her lips, replaying over and over again...

Feeling myself harden with the images flowing through my mind, my body more than ready for another round, I shook my head. No. With how soundly she slept on beside me, Riley was clearly worn out. I needed to let her rest. Hell, I needed to rest! Besides, Bree would likely be back soon, with whatever stupid news she had for us, and I'd much rather not have her walking in on something she shouldn't.

Speaking of which... I leaned over, reaching for my phone on the nightstand, so I could check the time. My hand met only hard wood, cool to the touch.


I gently pulled myself out from under Riley's hold, careful not to disturb her, and sat up. I could have sworn I'd set my phone down on the nightstand before heading in to shower. So where was it? Searching around in the increasing darkness, I checked the table again. Nothing. I checked my dresser, my jeans, and the bathroom. Still nothing. Where the hell had I left it?

Retracing my steps, it finally hit me. The garage. When I was putting the clubs away, my phone had buzzed, so I'd taken it out of my pocket and set it down on one of the built in units to be looked at later. And, given the frantic mess I was at the time, apparently forgotten it there.


Taking another quick peek at the beautiful, naked woman sleeping on her side atop the blankets covering my bed, I opened the bedroom door, making a silent promise to both of us that I'd run down, grab my phone, and be back in bed in a matter of seconds.

As I made my way down the hall, I second guessed my decision to do this without getting dressed first. I'd run around the house naked numerous times back home, but I hadn't factored in the chill that usually settled in during the evening out here. I'd have to remember to double-check the thermostat later.

The cool air surrounded me, making goosebumps dot my skin, and I quickened my pace. Finally reaching the garage, I ran in, heading straight for the iPhone waiting patiently on a shelf next to the hanging hose. I pressed the button, lighting up the screen. 8:15.

8:15?!? Shit!!

Turning around I jumped the small set of stairs leading back into the house, tripping and nearly falling on my face in the process. I had to get back. If she wasn't already, Bree would be here any minute!! Quickly pulling the door shut behind me, I headed down the hall, making it all of two steps before the light flicked on.

"Holy shit!!"

I looked up, meeting the shocked gaze of the blonde standing at the other end of the hall, and froze. Her eyes roamed my body.

"Harry, you're...naked!"

In an instant, realization hit, and my hands came down to cover myself. I spun around, turning my back to her. "Bree! What the fuck!!"

Suddenly, her loud laughter broke out, like nails on a chalkboard as I bared my ass to her, my heart racing, my face flaming.

"Get out of here!"

Through continued giggles, she whistled at me, clapping her hands slowly. "Nice ass, Styles. And do I need to remind you that you're the one walking around the house naked, when you KNEW you had a guest staying here? Hmm?"

I groaned, rolling my eyes at the wall, searching for anything that I could cover myself up with. "I just had to grab my phone, okay? I didn't know how late it was!" I shook my head. Why the hell was I standing here trying to explain myself?!? And why the hell was she still standing there, staring at my ass?!? "Bree, please... Can you just...go in the other room or something? So I can get back to my room without embarrassing myself further?"

Her voice got louder as she came closer to me, hopefully heading towards Riley's bedroom. I refused to turn around to check...

"Oh, please... From what I just saw, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Though now I get why Riley keeps you around all the time... I mean, DAYUM!" She laughed again.

"Bree..." My patience with her was wearing thin, my embarrassment increasing, and all I wanted was to get back to the safety, not to mention privacy, of my room.

"Okay, okay. Keep your panties on." She giggled at her own joke as I heard her open a door. "You'll be safe in two seconds. And, Harry?"

Half turning, careful to keep the important parts hidden, I looked at her over my shoulder. "What?"

"This can just be another one of our little secrets, if you want. I won't tell if you don't." She gave me a wink before walking in the room and shutting the door behind her.

What the hell?!?

I stood there for a moment, my mind going over what just happened. I should have known something like this would happen. It always did... But honestly, it wasn't the fact that Bree had just seen me naked that was really bothering me. What kept playing over in my head was the way she'd reacted to it, the things she'd said, as if there was something going on between us, as if we had some secret connection or something...

I mean, first she ogled me, making those little comments... That I could look past, chocking it up to Bree just being Bree, inappropriate as ever. But, then she had mentioned keeping this as another "little secret," winking at me in the process. What the hell was THAT about?!?

Okay, she didn't know yet that I'd talked to Riley about last night, that everything was okay, and that she'd gotten her prediction right; Riley wasn't upset at all. But, the innuendo laced in her words, in the way she spoke... Well, that gave the impression of much more. As if we'd been sneaking around behind Riley's back. As if I had something to hide.

I needed to talk to her. After I got some clothes on, of course. But, I needed to make sure that Bree wasn't thinking these situations between us were intentional. They really weren't. Nothing was going on between us. Nothing!

Shaking my head again, I made my way back to my room, and the sleeping angel that had stolen my heart. Oh shit... Riley. Bree wasn't the only one I needed to talk to. I'd have to tell Riley about this... I'd have to explain, yet again, how I found myself in a somewhat compromising position with her best friend... A much worse situation than the last one.


How the hell was I going to explain that?!?

Note: Hey guys!!! I'm sorry that this update is coming so late. Thanks to my current career in retail, I've been working crazy hours, and have had little to no time to write... Unfortunately, this will probably continue through Christmas, so please bear with me!! Come January, I'll have a lot more time to put toward what I really love, so you'll get updates a lot faster!! Plus, as things get more...complicated in the story, I'll likely have trouble focusing on much else! Lol! But, either way, I love you guys!!! Thank you so much, as always, for sticking with me!!! 😘😘😘

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