Lie To Me-Chapter 57

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(Harry's POV)

"You are such a loser," Gemma laughed at my failing attempt to turn a bowl of fruit into a rose. I'd seen the how-to video on YouTube nearly twenty times, but no matter what I did to the damn thing, it always ended up looking like a phallic symbol...

Dropping another strawberry onto the table, I groaned. "I give up! This stupid thing isn't working!"

Gemma walked over from where she'd been mixing a salad together, and gently nudged me out of the way. "Here, let me do this. You start working on the chicken." She looked at her watch, "Riley's due home in twenty minutes, so we need to hurry up."

"Thank you." Backing away from the table, I gave her a quick hug before taking the chicken out of the fridge. I didn't know what I'd do without her help today.

I knew it was wrong, and that Riley would kill me if she knew that I'd told someone about what had happened between us, but I needed somebody to talk to.

After going for a run in the morning, then coming home to push myself farther than ever before in the gym, I was no closer to understanding than I had been the moment Riley walked out of my bedroom. Even a long hot shower didn't help. I couldn't hash this out on my own without driving myself crazy. I had to get another opinion...

And even with her comments, joking, and teasing, Gemma had really helped. She'd taken off early from work to come over and listen to me gripe and groan about the whole situation. She'd explained to me what Riley was likely feeling right now; confused, scared, and a little lost. She also helped me to understand that Riley didn't need me to force myself into the position I wanted, but instead needed me to show her that I could be that guy, that I was worthy of the title, "Boyfriend."

So, now here we were, putting together a romantic dinner for two. I wanted to show Riley that my feelings were more than just heat and passion. I wanted to show her how much she meant to me.

"So, how did you say was the best way to do this?"

I could see Gemma shaking her head at the table. "Grill it for a few minutes on each side, then stick it in the oven to bake with the seasoning and the sauces. The quick grill will get it crispy on the outside, and make it pretty, and then the baking will keep it juicy."


Twenty minutes later, the table was set, with Gemma's fruit "flower" being used as a centerpiece, lit candles glowing from various open spots, the salad all ready to go, and the chicken in the oven. I started getting the vegetable steamer ready, panic swirling in my stomach.

What if she didn't like it? What if she laughed at me? What if this wasn't enough to show her?

Gemma emerged from the bathroom down the hall, and whistled. "Wow, it smells good in here! I might just change my mind and stay..."

I spun around on my heels, "Like hell you will!! I'm not going to get anywhere with this with you hanging around!! Remember, you know nothing about me and Riley!! We're just friends!!"

Looking at me she laughed, while shaking her head and reaching for her purse. "Relax lover boy... I get it." She came over to give me a hug. "She's going to love this, Harry. I just know it. Tonight... Her surprise party tomorrow night... She'll see how much she means to you. Everything is going to work out."

"I'm praying that you're right..." I nearly whispered as I clutched at my sister, needing every ounce of faith she had in me.

And then she was gone, and I was stuck there alone...waiting.

Waiting for Riley to come in the door. Waiting for her reaction. Waiting for her smile. Waiting for her touch. Waiting for my heart...

Note: Hello my dear, wonderful readers!!! I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done!! From reading this story, to voting, to being patient when I can't post very often... You're just the most amazing people on the planet!! However, I'd love to hear from you a little more!! I'd love to chat and talk about anything and everything!! So, I'm going to start things off... I know a few of you are my girls from Instagram, who I love SO much, but for the rest of you, how did you find "Lie To Me"? Were you a previous reader from Instagram? Or did you stumble upon this story while looking for a fanfic to read? What brought you here? I'd love to know!! ☺️❤️

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