Lie To Me-Chapter 41

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Grabbing more beer, we headed into the living room. They had the whole thing set up like we were going to be on some sort of televised poker tournament... The chairs on either end if the couch had been pushed back so we could all sit at the coffee table, and there were various pads of paper around, for writing out our dares and keeping score.

"Okay, where do you want us?" I smiled at Louis, who was obviously in charge of this whole thing.

"You and Harry sit there, Liam and I are on this side."

Getting situated, we all clinked our bottles together in a quick toast before Louis started in on the instructions. "Okay, everyone take your paper, and write down three dares for your opponents. They can be ANYTHING you want. Include yourself only if you want to be a part of the dare. Got it?"

I nodded. I had it. And I knew exactly what dares I wanted to write. The first, was to dare Liam to go out onto the balcony, and moon everyone on the street below. The second, was for Harry to send a naughty text message to the last number he'd called on his phone. I knew it had been Gemma, and I figured she'd gets good laugh out of it. And so would I... The last was my personal favorite. I wrote down for Harry and Louis to re-enact one of the famous scenes from Titanic, which I would be posting on Instagram and Twitter, for everyone's viewing pleasure.

I giggled at my choices, until a thought struck me. Looking up at the boys, who were all still busy writing, I asked, "What happens if two of us write the same dare?" Not that I thought I might match with one of them, but I figured they might have similar ones.

Lifting his head to look at me, Harry half-smiled. "If that happens, you have to do it twice."


When everyone was done with writing their dares, they walked me through the basics on how this game differed from regular poker, and we got to playing.

In what seemed like no time at all, Liam won the first game. I shocked them all by easily winning the second, and then in a close heat, Liam beat me in the third.


"Yes!!!" He laughed at Louis, Harry, and I. "Ha!! I never win!!" Scooping the papers up from the center of the table as if he'd just beaten the house in Vegas, Liam continued his celebratory dance in his seat.

Even knowing I'd lost, and would likely be humiliated in the next few minutes, I couldn't deny the happiness I felt watching Liam's excitement. He was just too cute!

"Okay, I'm gonna go grab more beer. What do you need to do? Put them in order or something?"

Still grumbling at his bad luck, and "cursed" cards, Louis shook his head. "Nope, he's just going to pick them out one by one, read them aloud, and if it doesn't involve him, we do it..."

"You might want to grab a bottle of liquor and a couple shot glasses too, while your up," Liam mentioned to me as I rose.


His gentle smile turned wicked, and he giggled like a little kid. "You'll see..."

Shaking my head, I did as I was told, making two trips into the kitchen to get all of the necessities. I contemplated taking a shot of the coconut rum I'd removed from the liquor cabinet. Something told me I was going to need it...

When I finally got re-situated at the table, Liam closed his eyes, dropping his hand into the middle of the pile, and pulling out a dare. It looked like one of mine, and I almost shivered with anticipation.

"I dare Harry to send a naughty text message to the last person he called."

All eyes turned to me, as Harry dropped his head. "Really, Riley?!?"

"What...?!? How do... How'd you know that was mine?!?"

Louis' laughter filled the air around us. "Guys don't use the term 'naughty', Love..."

"Oh... Right..."

Making a threat of payback under his breath, Harry did as dared, sending the message as quickly as humanly possible, his face adorably red.

"Okay, next one." Liam pulled out another slip of paper, unfolding it. "Ooo... This is one of mine. Harry, you and Riley are dared to a shot contest. First one to five shots wins."

The two of us looked at each other. Five shots?!? After two and a half beers, those would likely knock me out!! But, it was a dare, and I had to do it. Louis served as bartender, preparing our first shots. "Okay, once you swallow one, I'll fill up the next one. Ready... Set... Go!!"

I flew through each shot, doing my best to ignore the burn of alcohol going down my throat, the almost bittersweet aftertaste, with Harry hot on my heels. But, being the awesome woman I am, I won, tossing my hands up in victory as I swallowed the last shot.

My head was swimming, but I was feeling pretty good... Very relaxed, and more than ready to keep going. "Next one?"

Liam laughed as he unfolded another, "I dare Liam to go out on the balcony and moon everyone below. Well, I guess I don't have to worry about that, now do I?" He tossed that paper to the side, and grabbed the next one. "Harry and Riley are dared to kiss. On the lips. For no less than ten seconds."

My eyes shot to Harry, and back again.

"Wait... What?!?"

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